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Beep-beep-beep-beep... I wake up too the jagged and shattering death knell of my alarm clock. I grunt as I slam my fist on it for the third time. I slowly rose to a sitting position squinting my eyes. 7:15am. I scramble to my feet quick, remembering my plane to New England leaves in twenty minutes. Not even brushing my teeth I rushed out my apartment with the same clothes I had slept in. The whole way to the airport I honked just about at everyone. Thank God I shipped my suitcase the day before.

I made it just in time and surprisingly I wasn't the last one in. I was glad no one sat beside me, but on the down part I had a little boy behind me who wouldn't stop kicking my seat. I decided I would move next to the window seat once the plane was up. I never was fond of planes they made me feel nauseous. The whole time I tried to hold my breath, afraid I would puke. Once in the air I took out my iPod and moved a seat over.

The view from above was breathtaking. I was sure going to miss Newport Beach, California. So many happy memories but now they all just were to painful to remember. My Auntie Tia was taking me under her wing. The worst part is she lives in New England a small town called Pinedale. The country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist with a forest that went on forever. I never been there and couldn't even find it on the map that's how small it is. Why couldn't she live somewhere near the ocean like Cancun or Fiji. I don't do woods and bugs, we just don't mix well together.

The last time I tried to go camping was when I was eleven the next day I looked like I had chicken pox from them evil masquitos. I swore to never again enter the woods and here I am on an 11 hour flight straight to the mouth of hell. I decided I might as well get all the sleep I possibly can. Turning on my iPod I put on Marina Diamandis her voice always seemed to soothe me too sleep.


I jolt awake when someone touched my arm. I blink rapidly taking in my surroundings. Next to my was a grey haired old lady smiling at me through her dentures.

"Wake up deary, the plane has landed." Already? Well I'm glad I slept through it all.

"Thank you for waking me." I flash my pearly whites at her. She nods her head and wobbles to the exit door. I grab my purse and step out only to find people on top of people. How in the heck am I going to find Auntie Tia. I haven't seen her in ages but I keep telling myself I will know when it's her. She is my moms sister after all how different could they look. I went in circles at the airport trying to find her. I even tapped multiple people thinking it was her. Maybe she forgot I was arriving today. I was just about to go and get a cab until I heard my name.

"Scarlett. Hey Scarlett, over here." Her voice was so soft it was like she was whisper yelling at me. Her arms went in the air waving so I could see her better. I was surprised how short she was. Auntie Tia looked completely opposite of my mother. She was a petite little thing with bouncing red hair and vivid green eyes. Her eyes resembled my own as did her fair skin. My mother on the other hand was a brunette like me with hazel eyes, olive skin and very tall like a supermodel it made me wonder if they were half sisters.

She was smiling cheek to cheek her eyes bright and gleaming. She pushed passed people not even saying her sorry. She wore some kind of tribal dress, it was very bohemian. Auntie Tia reminded me of the hippies back in the day.

"Oh Scarlett, you made it." She reaches for a hug like a child which I thought was so cute. I try to find my voice realizing I haven't uttered a word she probably thought I was a little bitch.

"Um, hi Auntie Tia. It's been so long." She pulls back still holding to my arms.

"Way too long." She gives me a squeeze. "Are you ready? You are going to love it, trust me." She winks and pulls my hand making me jerk my body. She leads me out of the airport to her car which was a classic from the fifties. It fit her style very well.

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