Sól & Máni

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Finishing the last bite of my breakfast, I push the tray off my lap and sweep any remaining crumbs off the bed. Looking over at how peaceful Traisen was in his sleep, I decided to slip out slowly. My footsteps echoed through out the mansion making it seem empty. I got lost a couple of times before finding the magnificent living area. The windows were opened, letting in the salty ocean breeze. 

Looking out the window I found most of the pack on the beach. They had a nice little bonfire lit up. Some were in their human form, and some in their Viko-Dlak shape. All magnificent in their own way. Getting to know my pack wasn't such a bad idea considering I'm their luna. I slipped out the back and my way towards them. 

The sand glided over my toes swallowing them up in warmness. Hearing the waves crash against the rocks, soothed me. The sun rays welcomed me in to a warm embrace. The invisible hug was replaced by a physical one. Arms wrapped around my torso. I've been hugged before, but never like this since the death of my mom. I pull back to see glowing eyes, cheeky dimples, and bouncing golden curls. 

"Rosie!" I squeal, brining her in to a hug once more. 

"You shouldn't be out here Scarr.." I furrow my brows, cutting her off


"They can smell you." She raises her brows. I avert my eyes to what is behind Rosie's head. The Viko-Dlaks particularly the males starred at me like sexual predators. Some were grunting, some were drooling, and some were in a daze. It looked like a bad horror movie. I couldn't help but crack up in amusement, Traisen would rip them apart if they dared. 

Here I was taunting the pack already. So close but so far away. I know for sure my devilish smirk showed that I was having a bit too much amusement out of the situation. 

"I dare them to try." I crossed my arms. From Rosie's view I probably looked like some trailer trash diva but who cares. 

"If Sol finds out, do you know what would happen!!" she whisper screams at me. 

This was the first time I heard someone refer to him as Sol. I wrinkle my nose not liking it.

"What? what would he do?" I look at her all dumbfounded. she glares me down, not liking my answer. 

"Who let you out?" an irritated voice came from behind me. I turn to big brown doe like eyes, and charcoal eyelashes framing them. Her black ash hair braided back. It didn't take me long to put a name to that face. Natalie.

"I let myself out." I let my irritation waver in my voice. 

"A she Viko-Dlak in heat surrounded by unmated males is dangerous! You need to go inside before chaos erupts." She points to the house like I'm a child who can't comprehend. 

"And you need to learn that pointing is rude." I was surprised of my bravery. 

"Look, I'm not trying to fight. This is all for your protection." 

Rosie's small hand touched my back, making me turn to her. 'just imagine how devastated Sol would be without his Mani.' she mind links me.

Rosie's face wasn't hers anymore, it was replaced of my mothers. Something like this would freak out any normal person, but I'm not normal so it brought me comfort instead. 'My little Mani' my mothers soft voice rang in my head. I sat on her lap as she brushed my hair back in front of the vanity. I stare at my four year old reflection in the mirror. Admiring the scene of my mother and I bonding. My eyes glued to the locket around my small neck, admiring the golden glow. 

The memory faded in a snap of a finger. My body was being shook back and forth by Rosie. "Snap out of it, would ya!" 

"I'm back, you can't stop shaking me now." Rosie drops her hands at her sides; mumbling 'sorry'.

"Where did you wonder off?" she looked concerned. 

"No where." I say too quickly. "You know now that I think about it... me being inside is a good idea." I turn my heel on them, and head back inside the mysterious mansion. I walked passed many corridors trying to find one special door; a special door that led to one special library.

 One... I know for a fact that my memory was real. 

Two... why did my mother refer to me as Mani. 

Three... why did my four year old version had Sol's pendant.

I find the massive worn down, but yet magnificent library. Took me about a decade but I still found it. I give myself a mental pat on the back as I scan the library. Rows and rows of books were stacked up on each other from all sides. Some were sprawled out open on rustic tables who looked like they needed a dust. What was I looking for? not sure exactly, but I had to begin somewhere. 

The windows from above gave off perfect fairy tale lighting. I cozied up myself on an old vintage futon way in the back where no one would care to look. Then again I'm not sure anyone has stepped a foot in here in a while. Books extended through out the futon that I had picked out to look at. Flipping pages, past pages, hoping something would catch my eye. So far no luck has came my way. 

One book that caught my attention was on the Vrykolakas, but as some people call them.. Vampires. I blew the dust off, but inhaled the majority of it; which brought me me in to a coughing fit. A shadow maneuvered fast across the room from the corner of my eye. 

"Who's there?" I clear my throat. Only silence answered me back. I figured my mind was playing tricks on me and ignored the eerie feeling. Hours passed and nothing. My eyes were starting to feel heavy from all the reading. There has to be something here, I sigh. I slump against the couch in defeat. 

"Why so gloom, mi' amor?" His vibrant voice spoke. I turn to his gleaming eyes that scanned over me from head to toe. I thought about telling Traisen about my memory but then again from the looks of him, I wasn't sure if he was in his right mind. 

"Maybe when you aren't looking at me like I'm a happy meal." He smirks, knowing very well I was right. 

"How can I not, you're just so... mouthwatering." He bites his bottom lip, making my eyes look at them. My own lips parted in response, wanting his lips pressed upon mine. He was on the couch in mere seconds. His cool mint breath fanning against my face. I inhale his intoxicating scent that put a dizziness spell on me. "I have power over you." He smirks tracing his finger against my collarbone, daring for a challenge. 

"You wish!" I smirk back, game on. 

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