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My hands were wrapped in his charcoal hair, tugging the ends for more. I couldn't help feeling the adrenaline of my heart when he took my hand in his. I felt so protective and secure in his presence that I hadn't taken much notice of where he was leading me. He pushed me down on the bed so fast that it left me breathless. I couldn't help the blush and the sound of my heart pounding inside my chest.

He looked into my eyes, our heads were the same level. His eyes were the colour of a turquoise sea. From the pressure of his hands, I could tell he was as nervous. Especially when he leaned in, so close I could spell the flouriest scent coming from his breath, which I knew I would never forget this moment.

His lips reached my jaw, tracing the lines of my ear to my collarbone. They were so warm against my skin as they reminded me of soft, little fluffy pillows. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding in my chest. My blood flowed rapidly in my cheeks, making my face as red as ever. I lifted my hands out of his, and pulled them up high to his shoulders, where I entwined them with his soft raven hair once more. He put hid hands down at my waist while pulling me closer to his chest.

A rumble escaped from within him startling me back. This gave me time to process what just happened. I realized I had no control whatsoever! Every time we made contact I lost my way. Falling head over heels for him, and the sad part is he knew that. He knew exactly the effect he had over my body. I have to get away, I have to come up with another plan.

Anger rushes through me. I open my balled hands and throw them forward. Traisen grabs my arm, leaving scratch marks. I shove them and shove them again. "Let me go." Tears run down my face.

"What's wrong?" I could hear the pain behind his words.

My heart pounds faster and harder as a flash of lights rushes past. I don't take time to see if he was coming after me. I turn around, running as fast as I can. People yell "Hey" as I push them out of my way. My mouth drops open, allowing oxygen in. Sweat drips out of my balled up hands. I hear roars echoing through the hallways. My feet pound against the ground faster and my pulse gains speed.

I have to get away. I have to get away. I keep repeating it in my head. Where though? I look around frantically as doors upon doors lined each hallway. I'm not even sure which floor I was on. I ran all the way down to the last door opening it without hesitation and locking it.

I feel as though nothing else around me matters except for being able to breathe again, the lack of air that I can accommodate in my body makes me feel dizzy. I get a sudden panic that comes over me which actually made it even harder to breathe. My chest tightens and then I panic. I was down on my knees clutching my chest heaving in and out like a smoker.

"Shhh.. Breathe." I feel a large hand upon my back making circling rotations. My chests begins to get a little less heavy, I can finally inhale a breath without my chest burning and aching and I start to become a lot more alert to the situation. He towered over me and didn't once leave my side. I tried to get a good look at him but I was so exhausted and tired. I wanted to shut my eyes and sleep but my curiosity on this stranger got the best of me.

He had flowing golden locks tossed in beach waves. His dark brown eyes, the color of hot chocolate have flecks of gold that make them appear to have an inner fire. He had a chiseled face that looks strong and is perfect in size and shape. I was gawking at this perfect man. I'm sure my mouth was wide open catching flies.

"Vincent." His voice came out deep and beautiful. He was holding his hand out for me to take. I was hesitant because my body was in protest but I did so anyways shutting it up. His hand swallowed my small one. I tried to say my name but it came out rough.

"Scarlett." I cleared my throat once more "I'm Scarlett" better.

"So you are the mysterious Scarlett that is to become our Luna." He gives me a wink. A grin plays on his lips like he had a secret.

"That's the thing though I won't." I furrow my brows.

"Won't what." He grins.

"Become your Luna." I look to his eyes for a reaction but he didn't have any.

"Why not?" He licks his bottom lip.

"Because I don't want too! I'm here against my will." I cross my arms against my chest.

"So you're trying to escape?" His eyebrows raised like he knew exactly what I was trying to do. I don't even know if that was a question or a statement. I'm not sure if I should even tell him what if he tells Traisen! Than I'll be on lockdown 24/7.

"Do you need help?" A mischievous smile was plastered on his face.

"With what?" I furrow my brows.

"Your escape plan." I was shocked my eyelids forgot how to blink for a second. What if this is a test?

"No thanks. I work alone." I was not about to get played by a good looking guy again.

"Suit yourself. No one knows this place in and out better than me." Just who is he? Who does he think he is. I'm sure Traisen knows his territory just fine. Why am I so defencive!!! I can't drive Vincent away as much as I hate to admitted I really do need help if I'm ever to escape this place.

Vincent was up and his back was to me walking in the direction of the door that I just burst in from not too long ago. I was up on my feet in seconds going after him.


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