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The knocks echo from the door over and over again. Traisens voice saying something on the other end but all it all sounded muffled. I was lost in thought zoning everything out. I knew sooner or later if I didn't respond he would just tear down the door.

I turn the faucet off and step out of the shower. I leaned against the sink counter feeling the spell of dizziness run through me. My head spun as white dots blurred my vision. I gripped the sink trying to steady my balance.

Once the dizziness drifted away I was able to answer angry Traisen who was banging on the door ferociously.

"I'm fine, I'll be right out." I yell sternly. The banging went silent and was replaced with a creaking noise. I could already see him breaking something just because he didn't like my tone of voice. I wrapped myself in a towel fast before swinging the bathroom door open fearing to see what awaited me on the other end.

But all I found was dozed off Traisen on the bed. There beside him laid a tray full of food and freshly picked flowers. I smile at the sweet gesture; no boy has ever gotten me flowers before.

Traisens head shot my way in admiration before his eyes changed from blue to fiery orange back to blue and once again fiery orange

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Traisens head shot my way in admiration before his eyes changed from blue to fiery orange back to blue and once again fiery orange. He was battling with his inner wolf, I could see the lust in his face as his lips parted. His nose crinkled like he was sniffing me out.

I couldn't help feeling the adrenaline of my heart when he sprung off the bed and he was in my face in mere seconds. His cool breath fanning me. He took my hand and in that moment I felt so protected and secure in his presence, that I hadn't taken much notice of where his lips were placed right in the crease of my neck and collarbone. It left me breathless, but when he leaned down to my ear and whispered "mine" I couldn't help the blush and the sound of my heart pounding inside my chest, to hide the fact that I was falling head over heals for this guy. His words would make my hands go numb, 'you're mine' would set off my heart like a ticking bomb.

He looked into my eyes, our heads were the same level. His eyes were the colour of the sun. I could tell he was as nervous especially when he leaned in, so close I could spell the flouriest scent coming from his breath, which I knew I would never forget this moment.

His lips reached my jaw, tracing the lines of my ear to my collarbone. They were so warm against my skin as they reminded my of soft, little fluffy pillows. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding in my chest. My blood flowed rapidly in my cheeks, making my face as red as ever. I lifted my hands out of his, and pulled them up high to his shoulders, where I entwined them with his soft pitch black hair. He put his hands down at my waist while pulling me closer to his chest.

I winced as a sharp pang hit my pelvis and radiated through my body. At first I thought Traisen squeezed me too hard until another sharp pang hit. I felt all hot and bothered but once I let go of Traisen the pain worsened.

"Something is wrong." I winced. I grabbed a hold of Traisen arm squeezing so hard to the point my nails dug in. I look up to see Traisens lips pulled in to a hint smile.

"This isn't a laughing matter." I shoot him a death glare.

"You are in heat." He licks his lips like a predator.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I dig my nails deeper in to him.

"Means you and I need to complete the mating cycle." He maneuvers his eyebrows up and down.

"No way in hell we are." I glare at him.

"The farther away you are from me the worse the pain will be. You need to stay out of sight from the pack, there are many unmated males here who would jump your bones the chance they get."

"Ughh!" I yell in frustration. What else could go wrong.

"Here this will help." Traisen says by wrapping his arms around me brining my body closer to his. He made sure there was not one inch in between us.

I shake my head "no" and pushed him away. "I know exactly what you are trying to do." I wrinkle my nose not liking the idea being so near him. Which is a complete lie. I loathed the idea of it but I wasn't ready for what he was asking of me. I'm going to toughen this pain out, in time it will subside.

I look up at Traisens face who's expression was in a pout. I know me pushing him away hurt but through everything I went through because of him, he deserved a little hurt in his life. Sucks not getting your way.

"You know I can read your mind." He chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah." I push past him to the bed where the food now was cold. I always preferred my food cold anyway. I dig in to the eggs and bacon like a pig not embarrassed one bit. Traisen plops beside me watching me in amusement.

"Whaaaat?" I say with a mouthful of food.

"Have I told you how sexy you look when you pig out." He chuckles.

"Call me a pig one more time and you're gonna get it." I punch his arm lightly.

"Wouldn't that be a sight to see." Traisen chuckles.

I shoot him a death glare but that didn't phase him in return he shot me one back as a challenge. The fire gleamed in his eyes like a dance and steam heaved up from his body. If I didn't know him I would of been peeing myself at how intimidating he looked. But I knew him better and knew he wouldn't hurt me so I rolled my eyes at him.

"Get over yourself, you don't scare me."  I bend my head down at my food pushing the sausage away with my fork. I cringe as memories of me chocking on it replayed in my head.

"Defiantly don't want a repeat of that." I mumble under my breath and stab some eggs instead.

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