Vampír Filí

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He laid me down on his bed which surprisingly was really comfy. I tried not to get any blood on it from my wounds that were still healing. But I didn't have the energy to lift my body.

I watched as the blood from my hand dripped down into the covers. I was astonished Dimitri could compose his hunger for blood so well. I look up to see his mouth gaped open and his eyes turning shades darker as he watched the blood sliding down my wrist and into his comforter. On second thought I'm not so sure he can.

His stance scared me. He looked cold, emotionless, and most of all hungry. Just looking at him gave me shivers down my spine.

"Dimitri?" I try and get him out of whatever daze he is in. "Dimitri? Are you okay?" I try again but he isn't snapping out of it.

My heart picked up when he moved closer to me. I felt a tremor run down my spine as I felt his icy hands brush against my neck, I had to bite back a gasp as he leaned down and flickered his tongue against my neck. He moistened the skin to prepare me for what was about to come.

My eyes were half-lidded, even as they periodically rolled up into my skull as I shivered and jerked with guilty pleasure. His pitch black eyes met my green ones before I felt a sharp sensation wake me from this pleasurable haze as it threw me into the throes of sheer and disgust at the same time. My skin burned from his touch, it didn't feel right another men upon me.

His razor teeth sliced through my wet skin without resistance, penetrating deep into the flesh of my neck as they cut through the thin blood vessels and permitted them to spill my precious liquid. As the crimson fluid flicked onto his tongue, he moaned along with my own as he latched onto the wound with his entire mouth and began to greedily suck upon it, like a starving infant to his mother's nipple.

His flickering tongue kept the wound from clotting over, and he relished the sensation that the ripped flesh gave to his most talented muscle. Even as he tasted me, he knew it wasn't enough. He would always need more. Always.

I was disgusted with myself that I couldn't do anything but lay there only covered with a jacket as he took advantage of me. I now became his personal blood bag.

He slithered his tongue on the wound he had created like a snake before he maneuvered down to where the blood still dropped slowly from my wrists

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He slithered his tongue on the wound he had created like a snake before he maneuvered down to where the blood still dropped slowly from my wrists. He took my hand in his before biting down and creating a fresh wound and begun sucking just like before. He slurped my wine red blood like it was soup. I grunt in disgust. Trying every willpower I have to drawback my hand; but he gripped so tight I thought I heard a crack.

My moans became agonizing as it now became painful. My skin felt like it was set on fire.

"Please, stop!" My voice comes out hoarse. I broke down entirely. Small tiny crystal beads creeped out of my eyes, one after another, soon it turned into a flowing stream of sorrow that ran down my face and dripped from my pointed chin into my bare chest.

I felt as if the life was being sucked out of me. I didn't understand for his sudden change in behavior was it because his thirst is too strong ? Or has he always been a wicked men just in disguise.

I begged him to stop until I was left breathless. I yelled for help as loud as I could but no one came to my rescue.

I saw the world become a blur, colors meshing with other colors, and objects blurring together. My body was weak... I was falling, falling in to unconsciousness and I couldn't stop. I winced as my head began throbbing painfully. I breathed in slowly and heavily, taking in the scene. Me, here, laying on a bloodstained bed, ruby droplets dripping from my wounds that Dimitri had inflected. My body felt so heavy, like chainmail, and unresponsive. I couldn't move... I didn't want to move. The world blurring into a flicker of dim lights and strange, moving colors.

"Traisen..." His name was the last thing I managed to roll off my tongue before my eyelids went heavy, and then, there was nothing. Silent darkness without thought or imagining, it was as if the world no longer existed.

"agápi mou

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"agápi mou..." Warm firm hands grip around my torso sending tingles through my body. "Wake up, my love." Tears made tracks into my face.

Confused as to who's this sweet voice belonged to made me want to wake up. It's as if his voice was commanding me out of oblivion that I was in.

I tried to concentrate on this alluring speaker who sounded so desirable. Whispering affectionate words in my ear.

I kept telling myself to wake up from this trance I was in but my body didn't want to collaborate with me.

A hand came upon my face brushing the strand of hair off my cheek as it slides ever so lightly past my ear. His thumb rubbing softly caressing my earlobe. The other hand supporting the back of my head. I felt him lean in closer, a mixture of beer and cigarettes breath hitting against my face. I quickly inhale pulling the air from his lungs with desire. He pulls my body closer in embrace holding me so tight as if I were to slip away from his arms.

I felt full firm lips upon my own. The warmth of them were gentle, but captivating. His ragged breathing came out in sobs. Droplets of tears collided with my face.

Mesmerized lips of his press against mine time after time, transporting us to another world. Desire ignites the world around us. It is a spicy, powerful combination that sends waves of passion crashing over us.

As his lips pull apart, a gentle breeze flutters over the flame extinguishinging the desperate heat. His breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps.

"Mi Luna..." His husky voice cracks the surface "Awake."

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