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The rest of the day went by pretty quick. Rosie had me running up and down the diner. She even let me take orders and serve a couple of tables by myself. When my shift was over it had gotten pitch black out. I could barely see my hand in front of my face as I waved it back and forth. On top of that I have no idea where Auntie Tia put the bike at. I searched up and down the street. Nothing.

"Hey Scarlett, wait up." I hear Rosie's footsteps running behind me.

"What's up?" She hands me a paper.

"You forgot the a application. Grams wouldn't be too happy about that." Damn I can believe I about left without it.

"Thanks Rosie. You are a life savior." I throw my hands in the air.

"Do you need a ride?" I was hesitant to answer a couple of seconds went by before I uttered a word.

"Um, ya if you don't mind." I bit my lower lip and averted my gaze down at my shoes as if they were interesting.

"It's no problem, c'mon." She loops my arm with hers. I was beginning to like Rosie she seemed like the type I would be good friends with. My mouth gaped open when we neared her car. A new BMW! How in the world could she afford that! Especially in this small town where jobs are limitless. The inside was even more amazing! My mouth had dropped in awe. "Close your mouth Scarlett, you are going to catch a fly." Rosie burst out laughing.

"Haha, very funny." I roll my eyes at her.

"Hey lighten up." She elbows me.

"Ow! That hurt." I rub the side of my arm.

"Don't be such a baby." Now she rolls her eyes at me. A couple minutes have passed and we both hurts out laughing. We were bickering like old best friends. Rosie turned on the music and sped her way out of the small town. It was way to dark for me to navigate so I hope she really knew where I lived. She kept insisting that she did.


"Scarlett... Scarlett.. Wake up!" Huh? I grunt, disappointed my sleep was interrupted. "We are here." Rosie says. I blink a couple of times taking in my surroundings. My Aunties house was in view, she left the porch lights on for me.

"Thanks Rosie, I'll see you tomorrow." I wave to her getting out of the BMW.

"No problem, See ya." She speeds out of the small narrow driveway. I drag my feet on the ground like a zombie, too tired to walk like a normal human being. Reaching the front door I realized I don't have a key and I really didn't want to wake Auntie Tia up. I decided to go round back where the porch was connected to my bedroom. Sigh of relief came when the door slid open. Closing the door I crash on my bed spreading out like a starfish.

Beep:beep:beep the sound of my alarm clock went off. I grunt getting out of bed taking a glance at the time 7:00am. I scurried to my closet getting out a plane T-shirt dress and throwing on some sandals. I threw my messy hair up in a bun, brushed my teeth and rushed out the house.

My Auntie was gone and so was her car. I grunt as I take off running; there is no way in hell I am about to be late for my first day of work. I stop mid run realizing I forgot the application back at the house. I turn around aggravated with myself and sprint back towards the house. I decided I will fill it out back at the diner if I had time. Surprisingly I made it in time actually ten minutes early which gave me plenty of time to fill the app out.

"There you are." Rosie skips towards me with a big smile plastered on her face. I couldn't understand how she could be so happy buzzin around the place at this early hour. I was completely miserable the time change had me all moody and tired.

"Hey." I wave awkwardly.

"You will be having tables 4-8, I just seated Mr. lýkos at table 5, he is very important so don't do anything to upset him, Gramms wouldn't be happy about that." Rosie looked like she was uncertain if I could manage serving this Mr. lýkos.

"Don't worry I got it." I give her a reassuring smile. I make my way to table number 5 with my notepad and pen out to take his order. I glanced up from my notepad as I reached the table and about just forgot how to speak.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a mop of dark hair and heavy, solemn brows that were offset by a boyish grin. A pair of eyes the color of sea glass gleamed behind his charcoal eyelashes making them appear tough. His jaw was firm and strong, and his nose long but slightly crooked, like it had been broken and left to its imperfections. A small curve played on his lips, as if there were something terribly funny only he knew the answer to, and it was that brief, wicked glance I caught that said maybe he hadn't broken it, but he knew what it looked like. And he liked that. The hint of danger. Made him seem more like something he wasn't.

"Mine." Escaped his lips. His eyes got a shade darker and I swear he growled at me like a wild animal.

"Uhhh... C-c-can I get you anything." I tried to sound brave but failed miserably. Instead of replying like a normal person he just simply got up and left. Oh shit! realization came to me that I fucked up big time; Grams wouldn't be happy about this.

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