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Rosie gave me shit the whole morning about Mr. lýkos walking out. I just shut my mouth there was no point in arguing with her. Every time I took an order Rosie would stand over my shoulder breathing down my back. I was so annoyed with her! As soon as it struck 2:00pm I barged out of the diner. I still couldn't find the bike so I had to go on foot back home.

Sweat was trailing down my back, my whole shirt was clinging to my body. The walk seemed to be taking forever. I was thankful for the shading of the trees from the hot beaming sun. My throat was dry and it very much needed water. Lost in my thoughts I have gone in the wrong direction. The trail had disappeared under my feet, now plush grass was replaced. Hours seemed to have passed and no sight of the trail yet. I was exhausted from all the walking, my body was drained I wanted nothing more than seat down and rest but I knew that wasn't a good idea. I kept on walking till my leg muscles burned; my head was spinning at the lack of food and dehydration.

I was just about to give up when I heard a rush of water near by. I dragged my legs to the direction. As soon as I got a glimpse of it I pushed whatever energy I had left and ran towards it. The water is crisp, clear, refreshing. I drank from my hand over and over until my thirst was satisfied. I took in my surroundings once I was finished. I was at the lake, same lake I had found the locket in. The only problem is I was on the other side. I thought about swimming across but the water was too cold to swim in. I decided to go around and have the shore be my guide.


Hours have passed and I was no where close to my destination. The sun has dimmed, I only had a few hours of light left. I stopped by the lake to get some more water but before I had the pleasure in drinking it a deep voice startled me.

"Stop! Raise your hands and turn around slowly." A cop? I did as he said and turned around with my hands in the air. "Look at me." My eyes traveled from bare feet to the ripped jean shorts, passed his naked torso that was very fit, I stared at his abs a little to long before my eyes met with his. His eyes were deep brown almost black his hair matched his eyes tossed in waves. His jaw had some stubble going on. But it's his eyes that scared me. He stared me down with a mean mug his lip curled in a snarl. And he wasn't the only one there, more guys came out of nowhere all same bare feet in shorts.

"I-is there a pro-problem?" My voice shook in fear.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Same guy spoke once more pointing to the locket in between my breasts. Creep!

"I found it. What is it to you anyway." I cross my arms against my torso trying to sound brave. Must of been big mistake because he sped walked towards me and grabbed a lock of my hair. "Ahhhhh." I screamed. Tears ran down from fear. Fear of what he might do to me.

"Liar! You are a thief. This belongs to Alpha Traisen, you will be severely punished for taking what's his." What the fuck! I don't even know this Alpha Traisen!

"Please just take it. It's nothing to me." I winced as he pulled my hair tighter in his fist.

"And let you escape little wolf... I don't think so!" This guy is nuts! He needs to be In a mental hospital. He tied some sort of cloth over my eyes and pulled me by my arm in to a direction opposite of where I needed to be. I sobbed begging for him to let me go but I got nothing out of him except a harder squeeze on my arm. That was sure going to be a bruise there.

Nothing but death came to my mind. Iam going to die, Iam going to die, Iam going to die. I kept repeating in my head. I was brought out of my thoughts when he stopped walking and had to pull me back in to a hault. I could hear someone speaking to him but couldn't understand what they were saying. The language was foreign to my tongue, in fact I have never heard if it before. It almost seemed from time of folklore.

When they were done exchanging word he nudged me to follow him. I tripped over steps as he dragged me down. Down underneath the ground is what it felt like. It was cold and wet.

"Sit." he instructed. Sit where I thought. I guess my expression showed. "On the ground." He snapped. The cold concrete hit my butt, a shiver went up my spine making me tremble and my teeth chatter. He snatched the necklace off my neck making it burn. "Do not remove the bandana until my footsteps are no more." I nod my head okay. He walks away slamming the door.

Once his footsteps were no longer lingering in my ear I snatched the cloth away from my eyes; only to be met with darkness.


The walls were cobblestone, with moss growing from each crevice. Chains lay on the walls, with hammered metal shackles on the floor. There was depressions in the floor, perhaps where people were kept for extended periods of time. In the air hung the scent of death... and suffering. There was a strange cold that surrounded the back of the room. On the side of the wall, there was a black stain. It made me shudder to think of what it probably was.

Days have passed. I have grown weak. I reeked of odor. They were starving me. I could hear others beside my cell. They were moaning in pain. The same people that have got me were torturing them. Their screams still echo in my head. One day the screams stopped and I could only think of the worst.

I hoped. I hoped my Auntie had called the police and I hoped they had search rescues for me. The only thing I could do is hope. I couldn't believe how these people have not gotten caught. This... This disgusting cult of theirs. I have decided its a cult. At first I thought it was human trafficking or a brothel but yet I am still here rotting away. Is this how I'm going to die? Oh God please no, not like this. I am not much of a religious person but I do believe in a creator and I hope he/she was hearing my prayers.

"Get up." A male voice shouted at me. I stumbled as I tried to use my legs that I haven't in days. It felt funny to walk. He opened the cell door and tied the bandana around my eyes. He led me out by dragging my arm out the door. It was the same guy from the other time I can tell by the way he squeezed my arm when he got frustrated with me.

"Where are we going?" My voice came out raspy.

"Don't ask questions." He tugged me hard. He walked me up a stairs and in to warmth. I could hear voices buzzing around and not just male, female too. It made me wonder if they knew what kind of bullshit goes on around here!? He led me up a couple more stair and in to a room. He untied the bandana and the bright light of the outside hit me. It took a couple minutes for my eyes to get used to it. He brought me to an office? I felt uneasy being in here alone with just him. "Wait here, Alpha Traisen will be with you in just a moment."

As soon as he walked out the door I went to the windows trying to find a way out. Thank God they opened the only downside is that I was way to high up. I decided that it was worth it even if I break my ankles in the process. Just as I was about to swing my leg over the door opened. I turn around quick only to be met with a chest inches away from my face. I look up to be met with ocean blue eyes. They held me captive in a trance. I could hear my heart hammering away in my chest. He looked the same now as the day I saw him.

"Mr. lýkos?"

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