Leave No Stone Unturned

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Twigs cracked with every step I took. I tried to be as quiet as possible not knowing what types of animals lurk in here. The forest swallowed me up in no time and I found little trails that led every direction possible. Though I hate the woods, they were quite beautiful. They rose up with color, coming to life. The earthy smell intoxicated my nostrils I couldn't get enough of it. The birds chirped their music and I could hear woodpeckers drumming away. Come to think of it, this forest is completely different than the ones I camped in as a little girl.

There was deep green carpet, a sea of plant life. Spores indulging the trees, full of moss. The nice part is there wasn't many stinky mosquitos flying around. I actually might enjoy camping out here under the stars. First thing tomorrow I have decided to use these trails for my morning jogs.

Up ahead came a view of a lake, the trees surrounding it like a a shield. I stood there for a bit taking in the beautiful view. Every time there was a rush of wind the suns reflection made the ripples glimmer. It looked something like out of a fairy tale scene. I decided to head back to the house; didn't want to worry Auntie Tia.

Turning around my foot got caught on a branch which prevented me from taking another step, I was confused and didn't know what had happened until I was half way to the ground and my body had already dragged my hands up in front of my face to protect me. My stomach tuned over and I felt sick for this brief moment. My hands grazed along the branches and skin tore from them. Pain screamed through my palms in a horrible sting, my head bumping my arm shorty afterwards. I felt dizzy and had a headache from the trauma of my head jerking so suddenly and my hands stung less than I first thought. Upon inspection I found them to be bleeding and covered with mud and moss.

I felt something underneath the moss, something that wasn't.... Natural. There was something hidden in the forest, something that hadn't been found in ages. I wrap my hands around what felt like a chain of some sort. A locket! There was something carved in to it but I couldn't read it from all the dirt and blood. I dipped it into the lake washing all the filth away.

"lúna," I whisper to myself. Where do I know that from? The word was so familiar like I have heard it many times before but it wouldn't roll off my tongue. The shiny silver heart dangled on the delicate chain. The engraving was of the sun and the moon intertwined. When the sun gleamed on it, it appeared glowing. Not knowing who it belongs too I decided to keep it for myself. I put it around my long neck, it met just right at the crack of my breasts.

I stood and wiped my hands down, composing myself and trying to make myself presentable again. The bleeding had stopped on my hands, I was left with a few scrapes and cuts. I headed back to the house hoping my auntie Tia wasn't freaking out. Knowing her she probably called the cops and filed for a missing person.


"Auntie Tia, I'm back." I shut the door behind me waiting for her to reply. Nothing. I went in every room looking for her but every room was empty. Lastly I went in to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter.

"Went in to town, be back shortly."
~Love Tia.

Minutes turned to hours. I was bored out of my mind sitting in this empty house alone. What could possibly be taking her so long!? I decided to roam around the shed she had outback, hoping to find a bike. The shed doors cracked so loud that me ears rang. Ugh! There was nothing but spider webs surrounding every corner. I spot a blue bike with a basket in the front but it just had to be all the way down there. Luckily there was a rake outside the shed. Once I was finished wrapping all the spider webs on the rake I went for the bike. It was actually in good shape just a little dusty.

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