Secrets of the Pendant

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I looked like death but I didn't care.

My eyes were puffy from crying because I couldn't stop crying for the last three days. I was dehydrated, and sore. Sobs raked my body, no one should be able to cry this hard. I hadn't even cried this hard when my parents had died. I haven't been able to mind link Traisen in days, afraid something terrible has happened to him. I felt unwanted. It wasn't fair. It wasn't right.

The blank white door opened revealing Tatiana behind it. She strolls in with another set of food placed all neatly on the silver tray. Just like everyday I tell her I'm not hungry.

"Don't be so dramatic. Eat." She shoves it closer too me. I sniffle brining the covers over my head.

"Go away." My voice comes out hoarse.

"Suit yourself dog." I could hear her heels click away across the white wood. She sure likes to make a scene with the door slam at the end.

Not even a minute later the door creaks again. I thought it was Tatiana again but when I pulled the covers down it revealed her handsome brother Dimitri. He sat at the edge of the bed near my feet.

"Tatiana means well, she is just an impatient girl." He smirks. "Vlad won't be too happy about you not eating. I suggest you eat before he forces you too." He takes the tray and places it on my lap. "What do you say Scarr, how about a bite?" He takes his freezing hand up to my cheek, wiping my tear stained face.

His touch was delightful yet painful. It's as if contact with another men gave me a burning effect. It felt like I was being burned by hot sparks. The skin too skin contact is so unbearable making me uncomfortable inside.

'Get your hands off of him.' A ferocious Traisen rang in my head. I grab my head wincing at the loud demand.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped at Dimitri pushing his hand away.

"What is it Scarr?" Dimitri sounded concerned. I wasn't about to spill that Traisen mind linked me. If they could paralyze me with a wave of a hand I'm sure they could erase Traisen in my head and I wasn't about to let that happen.

"It's nothing... I just have a headache." I try and have a slight reassuring smile on my face but I don't think he was fooled. Yet he got up making his way out.

"I'll leave you too rest then, and please be sure to eat your food." He exits shutting the door quietly unlike his sister did.

'Traisen? Traisen are you there?' I whimpered a sob when I didn't hear a response right away.

'You will not ever feel pleasure from anyone's hands. You are mine and mine only! Is that understood?' His voice came out demanding once more. I didn't like his tone and the way he tried to control me with his big alpha voice.

'You are not the boss of me!' I snap back. We bickered like children and I know I wasn't helping the situation but I'm not having him boss me around.

'I am your alpha! You will do as I say.' His voice roared making my head pound.

'I will not!' He keeps forgetting that I didn't ask for any of this! It's his fault I'm in this situation. He should know by now that I don't follow the rules well.

'Scarlett not now, we have bigger problems on our hands.' He sighs giving up on the argument. 'Do you know where you are?'

'No. They placed me in a solitary white room.' I look around the room for any clues I could give him.

'Who? What do they look like?' He sounded worried.

'I don't know but I believe they are Vrykolakas. Three siblings named Vladimir, Dimitri, and Tatiana.' Traisen growls at the mention of their names making me jump with fright.

'What... What is it?' My lips quivered worriedly.

'The Petrovics. They are dangerous any chance of an escape root you get, you need too take. Vladimir is their King. He is their sire, their loyalty lays to him.' I take in the new news processing every word in my head. I don't know what kind of conflict Traisen had with the Petrovics but I wasn't about too question him. He knew them longer than I had but that also doesn't mean I won't have my own outlook on them.

My thoughts were interrupted with the slam of the door bouncing against the wall. Nicolai; Vladimir's most trusted guard was standing there. His body shook like he was some possessed soul. His eyes turned blood red. If looks could kill than in sure I would of been already dead.

'Traisen, I'm scared.' Was all I could make out in my head before Nicolai lunged himself at me. He grabbed me by the throat raising me off the bed. My feet dangled trying too find a way of kicking him straight in the baby-maker.

'Scarlett? Expose your Viko-Dlak! Touch the necklace!' Traisen voice came in faint. I do as he says and brush my hands against the little medallion that hang lightly around my nape. It lit up blinding Nicolai. He still had a hold of my neck except this time my soft skin was replaced with glowing silver fur. My hands turned in to weapons as did my feet. My face that of a Viko-Dlak exposing knifelike molar. I was now standing over him my height twice of his.

With one swift motion of my claws I put a gash in his torso so deep that his guts came out. I was surprised he didn't die, all it did is put him off guard and he healed back at inhumanly fast pace. I took this chance too run.

My wolf blazed through the dark corridors of this mansion with a burst of speed, paws outset, claws piercing the slick marble floor breaking it in the process. I ran as if I was ready to unleash a war upon anyone that came in my way. Every turn I made was pointless it's as if I was in a maze. I swear I was going in circles. Finally I reached a place that was familiar.

There stood waiting Vincent in his Viko-Dlak form. His lips pulled back in a snarl giving me a warning threat. He was shielding Vladimir who sat in his royal velvet chair made for a king. Tatiana stood next too Vincent her hair flying back dramatically. Dimitri burst in too the room seconds later with Nicolai right on his tail.

I snarl a roar. Let's get this party started shall we...

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