The Petrovics

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His pale face reminded me of the moon lit at night. His hair dark as ravens wing rippled down to his collarbone like a waterfall. His pitch-black eyes, impossible to read, were scary. His pale pink lips parted revealing ghostly choppers. He dressed in Victorian fasion. High collar, ruffled white shirt, black velvet suit; making him appear like a god. Something dark lurked behind all the beauty.

His presence was very alarming making cold shivers creep in too the back of my neck. He lifted his finger up to his salmon lush lips in thought.

"Quite a beauty you are my dear." His voice came out low.

"I've seen better." A females voice rang in my ears like a melody.

"Now, now Tatiana, that is no way to speak of our guest. Please excuse my sister darling." Tatiana's eyebrow fell heavily onto her eye, the other shot straight up as she gazed at me in disgust.

Besides her unpleasant attitude she was one of the most attractive girls I have ever seen. Her beauty is enchanting, with crimson locks of hair, with fair skin and eyes like puddles of water so clear I could see in to her soul. The deep blue reminded me of daytime sky. Her smile is seductive and devilish, and her voice sounded honeyed making anyone drawn to it in an instant. Her dress was long making a train in the back as it dragged across the floor. She was all around flawless making me envy her. She stood next to her brother that I have yet to find out his name.

"I agree with Vladimir, you are quite lovely dearest." Soft-like male voice spoke. He walked swiftly taking the other shoulder of Vladimir. I can see now that Vladimir called the shots here.

"This is my brother Dimitri." Vladimir motions with his hand towards his brother.

Unlike Vladimir, Dimitri looked completely opposite of his brother. His hair was a mop of hazelnut strands, framing his eyes. His orbs were enthralling, like sparkling kaleidoscopes of color. They were celery green, but also ocean blue. Dashes of chesnut brown speckled his irises. And for some reason, they looked like they had seen a lifetime. Unlike Vladimir he had an outgoing energy about him.

All three standing side by side were complete opposite pale beauties. Everyone in the room could feel the authority that drifted from them. I could tell they were of high power by the way they carried themselves.

I remember Rosie once told me of the Vrykolakas that ruled this land since the mid-evil times. I wish now that I payed more attention to her teachings.

"What are you going to do to me?" My voice found courage to speak.

"No harm will come to you while you are under my fortress." Vladimir takes a step forward towards me. "You may not know it yet, but you are very special to me." He grins, revealing a dimple on his right cheek.

Just wondering what he needed me for made my stomach weak. He takes another step towards me, shoving my distressed hair behind my shoulder. He leaned down to eye level, his icy breath hitting me as he spoke.

"Now if you be a well behaved young lady for me, I'll have Tatiana release you from the spell your body is under." I wanted more than anything to have my body back and even though I wanted to rip their throats out, I was outnumbered. I had too stay alive for myself and Traisen and for that I had to comply.

"Good." He already knew my answer before I had too say so.

With a wave of Tatiana's hand I felt the feeling of my body rush back to me. A tingle of sensation overcame me as if my whole body was asleep. But I wasn't thinking about that, what caught my attention is that they had supernatural abilities. Making me more vulnerable here.

"Sister, would you so kindly escort Scarlett to her chambers." Vladimir turns too face His sister. Tatiana pursed her lips and allowed her eyelids to slowly open and close. Much like a mother would to a child.

"Fine." She exhaled deeply, folding her arms across her chest. Being left alone with her made me panicky. I tried too push my nerves in too the back of my head as I got up from the seat much too quickly.

Vincent caught me by the arm before I face plunged into the floor. I was still furious with him but I still gladly grabbed on to him for balance.

"You're not well, let me carry you." Vincent says more of a demand than a permission. I shove him away and grab a hold of the chair instead.

"Don't touch me." I snap. Angered flowed through me and I thought I was going to loose control of myself.

"Here, let me." A pale hand extended my way. I look up too meet Dimitri's eyes starting at me in pity.

I hesitated before taking his pasty frigid hand and was surprised when in matter of seconds I was elevated off the floor and up in to his arms. My body tensed at his boldness. Fear came over me at the proximity of being so close to him. His cold body embraced me in a blanket. I could hear Vincent's chest rumble in disapproval. I avert my gaze to Tatiana only too see her shooting daggers at me.

"Shall we?" Dimitri raises an eyebrow at his sister. She turns her back to us stomping away. Dimitri walked fast but smooth. It was as if we levitated off the ground.

Tatiana opened a plain white door to a room that was just as plain on the inside. The room was all white from the floors to the walls to the bed. Not a pop of color in sight. A tray of food was placed at the bed side table. Just starting at it made my stomach rumble.

Dimitri placed me on the bed sliding his freezing hands off me. Tatiana rolled her eyes walking out of the room.

"Call if you need anything. Our most trusted guard Nicolai will be placed right outside your chambers." It wasn't a surprise that I would have prying eyes watching my every move. It was a shocker though that they were hospitable towards me. I bob my head okay. All I wanted was to be alone. I didn't want him to see me cry to think I was a weakling.

Dimitri exits the white box room shutting the door behind him. The sudden, deep pain in my heart was so bad It felt as if my heart had been ripped out.

Suddenly there was an aura of grey around me. It was a mist that wouldn't rise. A state of depression that I couldn't see myself through.

I felt a terrible weight on my shoulders. It was as if a giant boulder was laid on me and I couldn't straighten up or catch my breath entirely.

A single tear rolled down my rosy cheek.

There was a giant hole in my heart and I knew nothing would ever be the same.

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