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My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I am awake again. It was a nice dream, something about sitting in a big oak tree in meadow full of flowers but the details are fading fast even as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh I allow my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye. The bright summer sunlight cuts the room in half and I see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light. I pull the cover up over my head to keep it out. It's not going to work, my brain is awake now and already worrying about how in the hell I am going to escape from this torturous place.

The cold floor was nippy at my feet. It took me a second to get used to it. I had to held on the bedside dresser to test my balance. I got up too quick which made my head go dizzy in protest. The lack of food this past couple days really made me weak. I summon whatever energy I have left and make my way to the balcony only to stop and stare at the long curtains that hugged the wall. I pulled them down till they tore at the top. This was going to be my rope down the balcony. I smiled to myself. 

I decided to do dart from this place when it has gotten dark out so I wasn't so easily spotted. For now all I could do is sit around and wait. Which wasn't for long before my hands ended up in places they shouldn't be. Yes, I was being nosy. Opening every drawer he owned in the room. Surprisingly most of them were empty which only made me pout. I was really hoping to find some sort of trinket that he didn't want anybody finding.

What I did find though is a locket similar to the one I found by the lake. It had engraved In to it the word 'Sól'. locket itself was darker but every time I touched it, it appeared to glow. It was truly breathtaking as it shimmered like the sun. Must be some kind of illusion. 

Time passed by quick looking out the balcony it was pretty dark now. The only light was now of the moon. I made sure all the lights were off in the room and waited patiently as the people went all back inside. Once I was sure no one was outside I tied the curtains to the balcony rail. To be safe I knotted it three times. Stepping on the other side of the balcony, I held on tight for my dear life. It took me longer than I had expected it would climbing down. I dangled at the end of it like a rag doll till I had the courage to jump off. I shut my eyes tight as I let go and was met with a thump of the ground against my butt.

"I did it!" I whisper yelled excitedly to myself.

As I sprinted through the dark and uninviting forest, my mind was racing faster than my feet. Twigs and branches assailed my face as I frantically tried to assess my situation. Where do I go? Who could help me? I could barely see a few feet ahead of me. It was impossible to know what could be waiting for me in this perilous and primeval place. The irony occured to me that I had no clue where I was and I should of counted my steps when I was taken.

Suddenly, I stopped. What was it that I just heard? The snapping of a twig? This noise made me stop in my tracks. My heart was beating away like a drum. I tried to calm myself down as my head turned frantically. Hearing another twig snap I sprinted fast away from the noise on too the opposite direction. My legs burned. Sweat trailed down my face. I was sick to my stomach. My mind went in to survival mode.

I heard water near by and thanked the gods when the lake came in to view. I wasn't making the same mistake of going around it this time, I was going straight through. The water nipped at my every side like a frostbite on a cold winter day. I didn't care though. I had to make it to the other side.

It took me hours to swim across the lake. When I reached the other side I wasted no time to follow the trails back to Auntie Tia's. Tears ran down my face when her house came into view. Her porch lights were on and I liked to think that they were on just for me. I didn't bother knocking as I reached for the doorknob and burst through.

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