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I wake up to the warm sun streaming into my face. My body was being swayed like a baby as Traisens paws hit the ground. He ran swift and quite trying not to wake me. My fingers curl in to his warm fur loving the soft texture against my skin. His body stiffened for a second before he unclenched his muscles as my hands ran over his coat time and time again.

"Mi amore, you have no clue the affect you leave on me." His husky voice echoes lightly in my head. I smile at the thought of how little I did to him made such a big affect. He doesn't realize that he too makes a burning desire ignite in me but I would never let him know that.

I look around to see the pack still encircled around us as they ran. The winged ones now glided in between the trees and some ran with the pack. I was still amazed at how beautiful they all were; so magical. It amazes me that I too can transform into one of them.

A sharp stabbing, light achy feeling came from my stomach... That feeling of hunger. I clench my stomach hoping to soothe the pain. Refusing to eat for the last couple of days was not a good idea. I tried to not think about it hoping the pain would pass.

"We're almost there mi amor." Traisen knowingly whispers.

"Stop doing that!" I was not liking that he read my mind so easily... If only I could block him just as easily.

"Doing what?" He chuckles.

"Don't act all innocent! You know exactly what!" I pout. He began to chuckle in spite of me as if what I said were some sort of joke.

His laugh was contagious, and sounded more like an evil cackle than an expression of amusement. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter at him forgetting all about my desperate starving stomach.

My laugh echoed through the forest making heads turn. I slap myself mentally and shut my mouth; pressing my lips tightly against each other. They looked at me in amusement like I was a shining new toy. All the beading eyes made me want to shy away so I buried myself in Traisens hair.

The wind flowed through Traisens red fiery hair so majestically giving him the appearance of a glowing halo. I could see why he was the king of Viko-Dlaks; he was majestic yet intimidating all at the same time.

The gentle rocking from him made me want to slip into oblivion. I felt my conciousness ebbing away, and when all my thoughts just about ended I was brought back in to awake mode.

"We are here mi amore." I grunt at Traisen for interrupting what was going to be my beauty sleep. I press my hands against his back lifting myself up to see where he had brought me.

My eyes gaped open at the large mansion that set beyond the forest, towering over me as if attempting to intimidate me. The cream coating of the paint shined as the sun beat down on it, causing me to squint. Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the house. The roof was peaked, slanting down at an angle. The windows had royal purple curtains hanging on the other side of them, drawn so that the sunlight could stream through.

As we came closer I noticed a marble fountain sitting towards the right side of the lawn. An angel holding a flower was perched on top, looking up towards the sky. Water spurted from its other hand, which lay gently out in front of it, as if waiting for someone to take it in return. The water fell gently towards the crystal blue pool beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until they were no more.
Bushes trimmed into all sorts of Viko-Dlaks littered the parts of the lawn that was not taken up by the fountain.

There was a beach that laid just beyond the backyard, grass forming into sand, bushes and hedges turning into sand dunes. The water glistened from the sun. I wanted to get down from Traisens back and explore but the lack of energy prohibited me to do so.

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