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He stroked my cheek and kissed my lips. Inhaling and exhaling each others scent. We moved at inhuman speed taking turns slamming each other against couches and bookshelves. His masculine body flexing under the little ray of sun bestowed upon him through the windows. Small moans escape his plump lips when I placed playful bites down his neck and collarbone. he pinned me closer to his rock solid body fiercely. The fire between us ignited radiating through his body on to mine and from mine unto his.

He brushed his fingers across my shoulder slipping off the dress till it rushed past my body unto the floor. Pulling me to him with hunger in his eyes. His lips caressed mine as our tongues intertwined in passion. he pulled me down on the couch, his body pressing against mine like a missing puzzle. Charcoal hair framed my face as he leaned down kissing his imprint mark on my neck. A burning sensation spread from it across my body. The kind that made your insides all warm and woozy with butterflies. His strong hands ran down my body, as he looked deep into my emerald green eyes and at that moment I knew he loved me more than anything.

Here I was about to give myself away to him and I was alright with that, more than perfectly okay with it. To think that I once wanted more than anything to run away from him, but the only thing now I want now is to be embraced by him. He was my home, my safe place, I wanted nothing more than to indulge in him. Savoring any small moment we spend together. Like an impression in my head. I didn't want this to ever end as sweet pecks were placed from my mouth to my neck and down my collarbones. But sooner than later our sweet moment was interrupted.

"Ahem..." I look over at Natalia biting down on her lip.

I push Traisen off me forgetting the strength I have, and he goes flying against the bookshelves. Traisen groans and flashes me a squinty death glare. I avert my eyes from him to my near naked body. Rushing to find the dress that was scattered somewhere with the books. 'Aha' I rip it off the ground and slip back in it. Knowing damn well it was on backwards but I didn't have time to worry about that.

"What is it Natalia?" My voice comes out breathlessly. She was just grinning cheek to cheek starring at me dumbfounded. "Earth to Natalie." I wave my hand in front of her face. She blinks rapidly coming out of whatever daze she was in.

"Supper is almost ready, You two should make an entrance to ease the pack of any worry they might have." I nod my head agreeing.

I look behind to make sure Traisen is still there for he's been way to quiet. His cheeky grin plastered all over his face, making me blush from the sweet moments just minutes before; before we were interrupted. Traisen stops leaning against the bookshelf and straightens his body appearing like the tough alpha I seen him be.

"Thank you, Natalia. We will see you in the dining hall." Natalia bows her head in respect before turning on her heel out the door. 

Traisen strides small steps towards me before stopping beside me and giving me his arm.

"Shall we go get ready Miá Luna." I Inter-vine my hand with his as he takes me on a stroll away from the library.

His messy hair made it look like a style that would only suit him. His piercing eyes were shimmering in a glow with his charcoal lashes framing them in a flutter back and forth. His tan defined his facial structure so much more to the point it hurt to stare at his beauty. I'll never understand why the gods brought us together for we were complete opposites... but I'm thankful for he is mine and mine alone. That is until I have to share him with the pack...

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