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I opened my eyes, and stayed like that for a few minutes. I tried to make sense of what happened last night, but it all seemed a mess in my mind. The sun dappled through the window, streaming through. Birds sang happily from somewhere outside. Laughter was heard from the distance, gurgles of happiness. I smiled to myself, sleepily.

"Hey," A familiar voice broke my thoughts.

I sat up rapidly, my heart racing...

Traisen was slumped in the chair with a tray of food on his lap. He gets up moving towards me. He looked like he hasn't slept in days.

"Eat. You need your energy." He gently places the tray on my lap.

"You look like a walking corpse, man." I pick up the fork stabbing the eggs.

"Thanks, tell me something I don't know." He mumbles.

"The bags under your eyes are quite a delectable shade of purple. What brand is that?" I try and lighten the mood up.

"Insomnia." He rubs his eyes like a baby.

"Nice. Gotta try that some time." I say taking another bite of the eggs.

"Do I honestly look that bad?" He strokes his charcoal hair back away from his face revealing those dazzling blue eyes.

"You look pooped." I chuckle.

"It's your fault." He plops beside me.

"How so?" My brows furrow.

"If you weren't knocked out for a couple of days, I wouldn't of been awake with worry." No wonder I felt so refreshed. The shift had taken a toll on my body, draining me of any energy I had.  Makes sense that I went in to a sleeping slumber which is exactly what Traisen looked like he was about to do.

I thought about jerking him back before he really did fall asleep on me, but I couldn't do it. The innocence showed on his sleeping face. The lines of care and toil had smoothed and virtually disappeared, the crows feet round his eyes now but a memory. Eyelids closed against the dim light of dawn and his breathing deep and relaxed, all the muscles in his face and body were totally at peace, like a baby in its' first throes of slumber and before REM kicked in. Not a twitch, not a spasm, barely any movement of his chest rising and falling with each intake of air such was the depth of his oblivion. This was a body totally at peace, at rest, at one with itself, rejuvenating the mind and muscles before the onset of yet another day of turmoil.


I was not about to have the day go to waste. I decided taking the tray of my dirty dishes down to the kitchen in hopes of finding Vincent. He had a lot of explaining to do on his whereabouts from nights ago.

The marble floor felt cool against my bare feet. I didn't see anyone in sight which I thought was strange. Even the kitchen was empty which was unusual, everyone always stomped this place.

"Where could have everyone gone?" I whisper to myself. Thinking of where everyone could be I remember hearing laughter outside. I was still trying to get used to my extraordinary senses. In matter of seconds I was outside in a green pasture. I wish I had this super speed earlier when I was still a human, it would of been sure heck of a lot easier to escape. Now... Now I don't even plan too escape, at least not for a little while.

Let's be real where am I going to go? My own Aunt sold me out. My parents are dead. I'm a new born Viko-Dlak who has no idea on the abilities I possess. The only one who could teach me is Traisen and not to mention I'm bound to him for life... Which is just peachy. And the only friend I had made here seemed to magically vanish in too the night.

I was lost in thought until I heard high pitched screams in the distance. I rush to the scheme to find bodies ripped limb to limb. Women stood over their mates and children crying in agony. I was frozen in place.

My breaths came out no more as if I were punched in the chest. Blood draped what was once a beautiful green pasture. Bouncing blond curls caught my attention.

"Rose!" I run to her. Her shirt was nothing but a pool of blood, which brought worry to me that she was hurt. "What hurts? Where is the wound?" I search up and down.

"It's not my blood." She cries throwing her arms around me.

"Shhhhhh, don't cry. I'm here." I give her a reassuring squeeze. I let her get herself together before she explained on what in the hell happened here!

"Vincent is a traitor. He sold his soul to the blood suckers. He revealed our location and now... Now gramms is dead!" She sobs.

My mouth dropped at the news. Gramms is the only family she had left I felt for her. My heart aches with hers.

"Rosie, where is Vincent now." I give her a shake so she could focus.

"He... He is leading them to the pack house. He was looking for you." Without telling her bye I sprinted as fast as I could back.

My mind was on Traisen, I had to get to him before they did. I had to save him. I tried mind linking him but I was inexperienced and had no practice.

The pack house came in to view and the first thing I noticed was the bashed in door. My heart dropped with scare. I was scared that I was too late. Tears sprung at the corner of my eyes as I reached the bedroom and he was no where to be found.

"Looking for someone." A slithering voice crept up behind me making the hairs on my back rise. I turn around to face the intruder.

"Vincent!" I snap. I was surprised how his sweet voice didn't sound so sweet anymore. "Where is Traisen?" I snap again not allowing him to speak.

"Don't worry my sweet, sweet Scarlett.. I took care of him." By now my whole body was trembling.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Him!!!" My voice came out venomous. The friendship that I once had for Vincent was long gone.

"So I see he turned you." He squints like he is trying to see something far, far away. "This wasn't part of my plan... But I guess I can work with it."

It wasn't long before my anger consumed me making me shift. I couldn't wait to tear his head off. Gruesome thoughts of ways to end him entered in too my head. Thoughts that I wouldn't of dreamed of doing to anyone before.

"You need to calm down if you ever want to see Traisen again." He clasps his hands together twirling his thumbs. Which made my blood boil even further.

My breathing came out shallow the shift has taken control of my body and I wasn't able to stop myself.

"I guess the hard way than." He takes out some antidote and makes a swift movement towards me injecting the liquid in my neck.

I had no time to react, my body fell limp. I was paralyzed.

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