Held Captive

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"What is your name?" He spoke in an accent. I couldn't quite pin point what kind though. He brought his hand to my face which made me flinch. "Shhh.. I won't hurt you." I would have loved to believe his words but to me ears they were lies! After being locked up in some sort of dungeon for however many days I won't believe what anyone says within these walls. He didn't bring his hand back down to his side instead he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. The brush of his hand against my cheek made my skin tingle in delight.

It was as if he hypnotized me. My head slowly tilted and laid on his hand. He stared deep in to my eyes in adoration which made me confused. And why was I staring back at him!?

"I'm Scarlett." Did I just utter those words!?

"Scarlett..." He tested it out on his tongue, smiling in approval. I try to shake out of the haze he has put me under. I barely know the man and here I'm with my emotions everywhere. I felt very vulnerable right than, he was quite intimidating. He seems to know exactly what to say and how to touch, seems to see into my very soul. I feel uneasy thinking around him as if he might just read my mind. I decided to play the pitty card on him and started bawling like a baby. Tears where flying violently d own my cheeks.

"Please let me go. I didn't do anything wrong and I swear I didn't steal your locket." He furrows his thick dark brows at me.

"I can't." He sighs turning his back to me.

"Why not?" I sob and reach for his shoulder; which caused sparks to fly. I brought it back to my chest quick confused at why my body acted in such ways.

"It's too dangerous for you to be out there unprotected." This made me get heated. How dare he make decisions for me. We don't even know each other!

"I'm safer out there than in here in your fucked up cult. You locked me up and starved me over a stupid "necklace." I have never been an aggressive type but he made me tick to a breaking point.

"That wasn't me, those were not my orders. Trust me they will get their punishment." He looked at me as if he was pained at my suffering. I sobbed some more realizing he wasn't going to change his mind.

"At least let me call my Aunt and let her know I'm okay." I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand.

"She will be notified that you are okay." He snaps. Which only made me cry harder. He sighs and closes his arms around my small torso. I stood there frozen in shock from his sudden bluntness. Even though I very much wanted to rip them off me it's like I had no will over it. My body enjoyed it and leaned in to him. My body tensed when I heard his chest rumble like a purr. I don't think that's normal... He should really get that checked out. Since I'm going to be staying here for however long I decided to use all my advantages I had.

"Are you going to put me back in the cell?" I whisper against his chest as fear ran through my body being back there again

"Never will you ever be down there again." His hot breath breathed on my neck. "Mine."

"Did you just sniff me?" I was utterly terrified that this man just sniffed me like an animal. Not that I smelled good anyways... But he on the other hand smelled intoxicating. We were interrupted by a knock on the door which made him growl.

"I have to go." He grunts. "Someone will come and take you up to my room." He was half way across the room before turning his head over his shoulder. "And don't try to escape. I will catch you." He had a teasing grin spread across his face as if he wanted to chase after me.


Minutes later a girl walks in to the room. A blue sheen played upon her ebony hair when she turned to look my way. She was tall and her perfect slim body was a black silhouette against the harsh sunlight. Her face was all that I could see and what a face! She had doe-like big brown eyes, Cherokee cheeks, and raven black hair. She was perfection.

"Hello Luna, I'm Natalie. I will be your guide." She bows down like I was some sort of queen.

"I'm Scarlett please don't call me Luna." It reminded me that's what was engraved on the locket.

"Yes Luna-Scarlett." She bows once more.

"And please don't bow down I'm no royalty."

"I will try Luna-Scarlett."

"You aren't going to stop calling me that are you?" She bites her lower lip in thought.

"Alpha Traisens orders." I shake my head aggravated. I decided to let it go this was a waste of time. I have to work on my escape plan.

I didn't realize we were inside a massive castle. It looked centuries old and I had no idea how they could afford it. I walk through the large, double french doors, that have a deep red color. The castle echoes as my footsteps beat down at the cold, hard marble floors. Each tile chosen with a specific taste in mind. . I look around to see beautiful paintings spread through out the rooms. Some were hauntingly beautifully look at. There is a set of double staircases, one on the left, one on the right. The railing of the staircase is exquisitley engraved with flowers and vines, never a one to be the same. There are six large stone pillars evenly spaced, to keep the castle standing. Each one is elegantly carved to accent the Renissance feel of the castle. To your left, there is a grand wooden door that leads to a very large library. To the right there is a door that leads to a green house, with too many plants to even think about counting. Each one from a diffenent place in the world, you could tell. There was a moderate sized fountain that showers water gracefully back to where it started.

Natalie walked me down to Mr. Lýkos room or as they call him here "Alpha Traisen" room. It was masculine, bold and dark. The dark colored accent wall and the flooring make this room super man-like. This room is minimalist, not much of decor except for the frame beside the window, which is typical for a manly room. It had large double french doors leading out to a balcony. The view of the forest was breathtaking. The trees were so tall no wonder people didn't know this place existed.

There were "guards" placed outside the room. Natalie said it was for my protecting but I think they were placed there so I wouldn't escape.... Will see about that! Natalie left after 10 minutes of awkward silence. She got the hint that I wanted to be left alone. I stinker of filth and decided to take a shower. The soap trailed down my body from my hair. I didn't mind that it was a manly scent, in fact I loved that it smelled like him. Since not having any other clothes I decided to roam in his closet. His closet was massive it was defiantly bigger than my room at Auntie Tia's. Thinking about her just made me sad. Was she freaking out? Did she call the police? Was she even looking for me? Questions filled up my head.

I decided to go with a plane tee that pretty much reached my ankles and his boxers. Hope he doesn't mind that I opened a new pack. Even though I haven't eaten for days I was to shy to ask. I tried to convince myself I wasn't hungry but my stomach kept growling in protest. I got in to his king size bed which was surprisingly really soft and comfortable. I said I wasn't going to sleep because I had to think of a strategy of getting out of this place, but being in this bed that smelled like him just made me close my eyes and drift.

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