Stomach in a bundle

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I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cannot move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still. I strain to hear and makes sense of it all. No idea. Where am I and why? Next I feel some light shining on my closed eyes - a pink glow. I struggle to open them. Success. I am in a bright white place. Someone is bending over me. He says my name. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Again he calls me. Again I try to answer. Suddenly I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper 'What happened?"

"la mia luna, you don't know how happy I'm that you have woken." He edged his hand toward mine ever so slightly, until I felt his fingertips brush my hand. I unfurled my fingers and let his slip around mine until I could feel the heat of his palm pressed against my own.

I tensed my muscles remembering what he did to me and pulled my hand away from his. He balled his fist and shoved his hand in his pocket. My vision was blurry I couldn't focus in on anything.

"Why can't I see clear?" My voice came out raspy.

"It's the drugs." His voice came out harder than before like he was aggravated with me. Which I don't know why he would be upset. It's me that should be! He is the reason I'm in this situation. I couldn't even be upset because it took to much energy, I already feel drained just thinking about it.

My mind went to Vincent. What did he do to him? He is probably in a worse situation than me. I was a bundle of nerves. Vincent is the only person that has been nice to me here and he is the only person that can help me escape. I will kill Traisen if he did anything more than breaking his arm. Tears stained my cheeks now thinking of the worst scenarios.

"Where is Vincent?" I said in between breaths.

His face was contorted into this image of perfect rage. his once handsome face now resembled a gargoyle...  fire flashed in his eyes as he stood over me. His lips curled downward into a hellish snarl.. His face was beyond just red, and was turning different shades of crimson and even a tinge purple, while sort of an unearthly, demonic look over came him. His breathing became strange, sort of ragged, I noticed, as he tried in vain to control himself, but his anger still sparked through the air, givng me a cold jolt in my chest - fear. All I saw was rage, but he saw everything else... though he could see I was shocked and afraid, he knew I had a reason to be.

He was angry at himself, his stupidity, and his weakness. He deserved every minute of it. Every tear that fell from my eye was like a dagger, and inside he knew he deserved it all. The self-loathing and rage was so intense, he had been holding his breath. he exhaled, breaking the tense silence between them; his sighs shook with emotion, and cold bullets of sweat trickled down his face.

It's as if he was holding the beast within him back. I never seen his other self and I was afraid too. Vincent talked to me little about their inner beasts or as they call them Viko-Dlaks. Even the name brought fear in to me.

"He is patrolling the territory." His voice came out honeyed as if he wasn't just pissed minutes ago. A relief came over me. At least he wasn't being tortured or in that scary dungeon I was held in.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I know Traisen is going to try and keep Vincent far-far away from me. I'll doubt I'll see him, but I will find a way.

"Rest up, you are going to have a big day tomorrow." I wondered what Traisen was planing on doing in that sick mind of his but before I got the chance to ask he was already stepped out. Here I was all alone in a blank white room with only the buzz of the machines to keep me company.


If it wasn't for the flickering light in the distance, I would have sworn that I had been attacked with a sudden rush of insomnia. I stirred in bed as I tried to get some sleep. The cool pillow touching my head made me fell relaxed and calm but I still wasn't falling asleep.The soft sheets gently rubbed against my skin as I turned onto my side a third time. I sighed. This was hopeless. I opened my eyes and saw lighting flickering across my room. The light was still on, which bothered me. The light was too distracting, making me unable to close my eyes and drift off to a dream-filled sleep. On, off, on, off. It was starting to get really annoying.

Even with my eyes squeezed tight, I could see the palpitating light through my eyelids. It was no use. No matter how many times I flung myself around the bed entwining myself in ropes of blankets, how many pillows I pressed desperately over my head, how many damn sheep I counted, sleep would not come. The flicker had taken on a life of its own and its pulse would give me no rest. 

I'm not sure if it was even the light that bugged me or Traisen. Why couldn't  he just let me be! Why can't he even leave me in peace in my own damn mind! There is this feeling that has been sitting in the pit of my stomach ever since I first saw him. I cannot describe the feeling... I know what I felt but I just keep holding back because I'm scared to admit that I'm madly in love with him.


"Wake up... Wake up sleepy head." Someone shakes me out of my dreamless sleep.

"Go away." I mumble in to the covers.

"Your awake." She says brightly. The voice was so chirpie making me curious who it belonged too. I peak over my shoulder to only get smacked by blonde curls right in my face.

"What are you still doing in bed? Get up! Get up!" She chirps. Rosie? I turn my body fully to face the blonde with big glowing eyes that I met my first days in Pindale.

"Rosie!" I excitedly throw my hands around her small torso. "What are you doing here?" I was utterly shocked.

"Duuuuhhhhhhh I'm a shifter sweet pea." She rolls her eyes. Her words made me even more stunned. She was the last person I ever imagined to be here. I didn't even care that she is one of them; I was just glad to see that face of hers.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." She laughs.

"I'm just shocked is all.. How did you even find me here?" Even though I roamed the halls around this mansion a couple times I never seen her in them.

"Your alpha aka, boyfriend wanted me to help you for tonight." She wiggles her brows.

"What's tonight?" I furrow my brows in confusion. I know Traisen was up to something but didn't exactly know what that something is. Rosie hops off the bed and takes some sort of box out under the bed. She shoves it towards me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Well go ahead, open it." She does a mini clap like a little girl on a sugar rush. I hesitate for a second before popping the top open. Underneath that lid was an unbelievably magnificent dress. Those kinds that they wore to glamour-is balls.

"What's it for?" I take a quick glance off the dress to meet her eyes before they landed back on the jewel in my hands.

"It's a present from Traisen. You are to wear it to the ball tonight he is having in honor of finding his Luna. You."

"What if I say no." I cross my arms.

"If you don't go the alpha will loose his temper and we will get the wrath of it. Besides you might enjoy yourself, the whole pack is coming." If the whole pack is coming I might have the chance to see Vincent. Even if that chance is slight I still have to take it. Not that I even have a choice to go but I liked to make myself believe that it was mine to go.

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