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A howl Blared in the distance getting closer and closer with each ragged breath. The cold night air coursed through my lungs and dried my already parched throat. My heart was beating so fast, I was scared it would lead Traisen right to me. That, or it would burst out of my chest. Both options sounded rather unappealing.

I let my hands rest upon my knees as I took two deep breaths. In through my nose out through my mouth. After wiping away the beads of sweat on my forehead I took in my surroundings.

The blood pounding in my ear clogged my brain, and I launched deeper into the forest at full speed. I had my arms stretched out in front of me as I ran. If this path led to a dead end I wanted a bit of warning before colliding with anything.

My pace picked up a tad bit. I dreaded putting this dress on that just about weighed more than me.

I was scared for my life. I didnt know what to do. My heart started to pound like a drum. I was tired, but I had to go on. My legs were shaking rapidly and I almost fell every leap I made. My Sweat beaded my forehead, causing my hair to cling to it as my throat ached for air, more air.

Vincent had disappeared minutes ago telling me he will be back. I hope he didn't try and take on Traisen again because the last incident left his arm broken. I'm surprised at how quickly he recovered though.

I quickly hid behind a tree when I heard and ear piercing snarl behind me. My teeth chattered in fright. I held my hand to my mouth trying not to make a sound. Not that it would help I'm sure he could sniff me out.

I looked over the other side, and my eyes met a large fire red mass of fur with eyes of pure ice. The ends of his fur burned orange in flame. I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end as it raised its head and let out a loud rumble that made my body shake. I stumbled back, falling back on the cold ground. My body shook with fear as I looked up at him where he now stood, lips pulled back in a snarl.

I looked up at the tree wondering if I would be able to climb it but before I could react the massive wolf-dog let out a roar that crackled through my eardrums and ruffled my hair, sending me flying backward onto the rough bark, my skull vibrating painfully as I smashed into the hard ground once again. The shrill howl pierced through the velvet night, the wolf's blazing fur standing on end as it bristled, whining as it snapped its giant snout shut, its beady eyes staring at me.

It made its way toward me paws pounding against the solid ground. Smoke evaporating from his mouth. He resembled a Viko-Dlak except he was more massive, I couldn't help but think it was Traisen behind those piercing blue eyes that kept changing shades to fiery orange. 

I shook in fear as he towered over my body. His flames didn't burn instead they wrapped me in warmth like a blanket. He bowed his head down starring in to my eyes. I felt the need to cover myself. His stare made me feel bare as if he could see my very own soul.

His electric blue eyes never once looked away from my own. I didn't know what he was going to do. Kill me? I shuddered at the thought of his teeth sinking in to my skin.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimper.

"I'm not going to hurt you darling... I'm just going to mark whats mine." He spoke! His tongue slithered like a snake.

I cringed when he brushed his tongue against my cheek and down to my collarbone. If this is what he meant for a mark... a lick in the face? than I don't know what I was so scared of.

I misjudged him too soon when I felt his sharp K9s bite in to my shoulder. The pain started in the bite wound itself, with a feeling like being stabbed by multiple dull knives, with a certain crushing feeling in the muscles from the pressure of the bite. I'm sure my bones scattered in too million pieces. The blood ran deep mixing with the dress making an identical shade.

Then the burning like fire exploded in my chest, which quickly moved up into my head and down through the torso, the same burning went in too the legs and in the arms, radiating from my hips down to the feet.

This continued for several minutes until his tongue slithered out and licked the wound. A warm rush went over me and the pain subsided.


"Get up." His voice came out deep.

I tried to move but it took me a couple of minutes before I felt like I had control over my body. Getting up was a rush, I maneuvered faster than I would of before. I felt like my senses were enchanced. I detected even the slightest movements like I was looking through a telescope. I was surprised how well I could see in the dark.

My hearing became extremely sharp. I could hear laughter and music that came from the castle that was at least 3-4 miles away. It hurt my ears but it wasn't unbearable.

Sound of waves traveled to my eardrums making them ring as I heard a pop. I let out a scream as more and more bones snapped in my body.

"What is happening to me?" I cried. "What did you do to me!?" Air was taking away from my lungs at another snap of my bones.

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