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Flesh scraping across wood, shoes scuffing the dirt. I could not see! A rough textured bag was placed over my head. It reeked of blood as if someone else wore it minutes before. My chest heaved rapidly with heavy panting. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of my stomach, a cold wave embalmed me as the hairs rose on the back of my neck and my mouth ran dry. I was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding me in a tightening grip. Icy cold hands clenched me by the arms, sending shivers down my spine. I didn't like the atmosphere that wrapped itself around them. My mind told me to run but my body was powerless.

"Lay her down in the back." A rough voice spoke with a hint of a British accent. I hear slamming of doors and just like that I was shoved in the back of the trunk. It was quite small back here my shoulders grazed each side. Any light that I had, vanished as they slammed  the metal hood down forcefully.

Their voices drowned by the roaring of the engine. I couldn't hear a peep. The car started rolling is wheels on the rough soil hitting every bump it possibly could. I was jerked left to right like a rag doll.

The sound of rain drummed against the vehicle. I didn't block out the noise though. It was like a thousand soldiers marching on the car roof that could cave in at any time. It took my mind away from my captures and brought my attention to Traisen.

I could see him perfectly in my head. His beautiful Raven black tussled hair that would curl at the ends, perfect sun kissed skin; His perfectly sculpted face was the canvas for his godlike features, full, tempting lips, and stunning, mysterious icy blue eyes that make me drown in them. Thinking of him brought a slight smile to my face. Of all the times I tried to escape and every time he chased after me. I pushed him away and now I wish more than anything I was in his arms.

"Scarlett? Are you there?' A sultry voice broke with an accent that I only heard come out from Traisens lips.

I shook my head thinking I was going insane. When the voice was no more I knew for a fact I was delusional.

'You're not delusional' a chuckle echoed.

"Traisen?" I whisper.

'Yes mea Luna, it's me. I can hear your thoughts you don't have to speak.'

I was silent for a minute trying to compose myself. I can't believe I finally mind linked him!

'Say something so I know you're okay.'

'Traisen. I'm scared.' A tear escapes the corner of my eye and rolls it's way in too my hair.

'Shhhh - mia amore don't cry. I'm coming, I'll find you no matter what.'

My mind link broke off when the car came to an abrupt screeching halt making my head bounce back against the metal hood.

"Ouch." I wince. These brainless morons don't know how to drive. Loud muffled thunk of slamming doors rung in my ears. I'm surprised the doors didn't fall of this piece of crap car.

The trunk opened in a squeak. My teeth chattered in fright at the thought of what they might do to me. Before I had time to react I was lifted up away from the cold trunk and in to someone's arms. I could tell it was Vincent. He scent gave him away, plus he was much gentler with me than the others. I struggled against him but no matter how much I tried I could still barely move a muscle. Whatever the antidote he injected in me had paralyzed me completely. My body was useless.

The rugged bag over my head was never lifted, which made me even more concerned about my whereabouts. I'm sure I was getting a nice looking rash on my face from the tough texture.

The sound of the paved ground changed to a marble one. I could hear Vincent's feet echo through the cold building. A train of footsteps followed right behind him. They sounded like a marching band all in sync of one another.

"Place her there." The British accent boy says.

"No, I think I'll just hold her." Vincent ignores his command.

"You will do as I say. Now, place her there!" His voice came out roaring through the building. Silence fell in the room. I could just imagine Vincent glaring at him as he placed me in the chair.

Unfriendly frozen hands tied my arms and feet down. I shake my head mentally; It's not like I could get up and run away anyways. Silence fell over the room, everyone was completely still. Which made me very anxious.

A nauseating stomach - turning sweet fragrance entered my nose. I could feel this being close but I didn't hear a single footstep from it. It's as if the person floated it's way in to the room.

"So this the creature you spoke of." A voice very low and seductive broke the silence in the room. His voice sounded ancient. It almost made you want to stop whatever you were doing just to listen to him speak. A charm that I'm sure comes in handy.

I could feel his eyes gazing at me like I was some sort of science project. I won't be surprised if he circled me a couple times. The only down part he had an advantage here. He was able to see me, but I not him.

"Where are my manners, remove the bag." It's as if he read my mind. "Untie her too while you're at it." I could feel an annoyance with the man that just previously did all the work of tying me up minutes before.

Once again cold hands grazed me. Untying every knot and letting it fall to the marble floor. The rough duffel bag was removed letting the light sear into my vision. I was blinded by the painful light's luminosity. My eyes started to water at the burning sensation. It took me couple of seconds adjusting at the mysterious figure in front of me. He was very mesmerizing, I couldn't tare my eyes away. It's as if I was hypnotized to stare.

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