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I could easily tell I am more dominate over Vincent. My Viko-Dlak is sizably larger than his. The only downside is that his Viko-Dlak was made of steel. He was obviously made for combat while I had no experience. I buried my long canines into his firm iron shoulder in the attempt to throw him off me. As ferocious as I could possibly be! a fight to the death has begun.

I clawed deep in too the metal exposing his fury silver chest. Before I got another swing at it with my knife-like claws, Vincent hold my massive paw down with his own. His eyes turned a crimson red showing his anger. His razor sharp claws dug into my paw cutting deep down. Hot, wine red blood pooled out like a river staining the marble white floor.

The pain was agonizing but I shook it off as I tried to maneuver away from his reach. Being a new born means I'm much more powerful than him, more fierce than him. I extended my razed claws and slit his unprotected chest.

I must of cut him pretty deep cause he loosened his grip on my paw giving me enough time to wiggle out from his hold. Vincent snarled pulling his lips back exposing his vicious choppers.

The drawback for him is he wasn't very tough under all that armor. His wound did not heal as quickly as mine did. I felt pity for him seeing him lay there wailing from the impact I have created on his chest.

"Vincent, please stop fighting me." I begged. I didn't want to hurt him. I'm sure he could kill me as easy as it is snapping a twig in half but right now I was much stronger than him.

"Shut up!" He snarled threatening.

I didn't want to kill him but I knew if I wasted more time he could perhaps kill me. I went for his throat tearing the solid silver armor away. Just as I was about to sink my teeth into him I fell to the ground.

My head pounded with pain like it was being cut open from the inside out. I winced placing my massive paws over my head hoping it would ease my discomfort. Red hair swayed side to side at the corner of my eye. I peak over to see Tatiana's eyes pitch black starring back at me. I knew this was her doing. That leach is going to pay for this!

The more I fought to get up the more pain it caused me. My eyes well up and a sound escapes my throat that sounds like a thunderous scream.

"Ahhhhhh" my bones creak and crack as they form back in to my helpless little human. I didn't will my body to do so, it's as if someone commanded me too against my willpower. I reach down to touch my necklace but only whimper to find it gone.

I look over to see the silver chain dangling from Tatiana's long dainty fingers. It made me furious to see her holding the possession that belonged to my Traisen. Without that amulet I was growing weaker. My body felt as if it was sinking into the floor. I had no will power to lift any part of me. My confidence in myself booted out the door.

Tatiana still didn't release her hold on me. It felt as if someone was picking at your brain; playing doctor.

"That's enough sister." Dimitri's voice rang in my ears. I could hear his footsteps nearing closer to me. I peered to see him taking his velvet jacket off and placing it over my bare body. "I said enough!" He snapped once more at Tatiana.

"You're no fun!" She pouts stomping away. Just like that she released me of her hold. My whole body felt numb as if I was paralyzed.

I was lifted off the floor by icy hands that were sure to give me frostbites. Dimitri brought me close to his hard firm chest making my head lay against his shoulder.

"Where do you think you are going brother?" Vladimir maneuvers himself in front of us.

"She needs rest." He stated. Silence fell for a couple of minutes. I felt awkward and wanted to shy away like a turtle into its shell.

Vladimir steps aside for Dimitri to pass through. He was hesitant but still took steps forward.

"And one more thing brother." Dimitri comes to a halt and turns to look over his shoulder.

"What's that?" Dimitri says coldly.

"If I find you fancy this dog, I will treat you as such." Vladimir utters unemotionally before turning his back and making his way down a hallway.

I look up at Dimitri and feel saddened to see distress in his eyes. How could a brother treat another so harshly. It makes me wonder what kind of sibling rivalry they have amongst them.

Dimitri's footsteps echo the corridors bouncing off one wall to the next. He kept a straight face looking ahead not even once peering at my half bare body that was only being covered by a small lengthy jacket. Which surprisingly smelled quite good. I figured him being a Vrykolakas it would smell like death but the strong cologne could of masked most of that.

He opened the door to a room and I peer over to look at the mess I created only to find I was in a new room. It was masculine with Java colored walls and dim lighting. The long blue curtains hugged the windows not letting a peep of outside light in. The bedding that similar to the curtains with a hint of small design along the edges. It looked like something out of a magazine.

It was no doubt that this was his room. There was one question eating at my brain... Why am I in Dimitri Petrovic's chamber!?

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