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I hid behind Auntie Tia holding on tight to her arm. I was so scared to glance up from the floor up to his eyes. I could feel him sending me daggers, his anger was coming in waves making my hair on the back stand up.

"Come here now." His voice was rough making me flinch. "I'm not going to ask you again, I will drag you out of here myself." I glance at Auntie Tia with hopeful eyes for help but all she gave me was a defeated look. Tears ran down my face. I was so angry with her for not protecting me; for not calling the cops.

Traisen did exactly that he swung me over his shoulder. I was kicking and screaming the whole entire time. Hoping I could inflect pain on him somehow even if that means making him deaf. He held on to my body tight making his way out of the house.

"Auntie Tia don't let him take me, please I beg you." I sobbed in to Traisen shirt making it damp. Auntie Tia wouldn't even look at me turning her back to me. I hate her! I hate her! Coming to live with her was a mistake. I was crying so hard to the point were I was having a panic atack. My heart rate increased, my palms were shaking uncontrollably, everything was spinning, my vision was blurred. I was sure I was going to faint.


A loud piercing stream of light exploded in my face, blinded by its brightness I felt disgruntled with my sleep. I moaned for more sleep, but the devilish light of the sun begged for justice to win over me. A sound also erupted out of my ears of a grunt which made my eyes snap open in a flash. I jerked out of bed so fast falling out on too the cold floor.

I peeked up to find Traisen starring at me. All the memories of last night came flooding back. How dare he lay with me! I look down at what I was wearing and it was a night gown that was a bit see through.

"Did you change me?" I say covering my chest with my hands.

"Yup." He smirks. "By the way you look good in my clothes." He winks at me with his charcoal eyelashes. Which made me blush but I hope he didn't notice my cheeks reddening. Besides I'm way to mad at him to even be blushing for him. Snap out of it Scarlett he is trying to sweet talk to you so he can get in your panties; which you will never let happen! Not in this lifetime or the next.

"Take me back." I furrow my brows trying to look intimidating.

"Never! You are mine! My Luna." His eyes got scary dark like he was possessed.

"Kidnapping is a crime." I try and meet back his cold stare.

"I didn't kidnap, I simply just took what belongs too me." He gets up out of bed and makes towards his closet. He was only in his boxers and I tried really hard not to stare at his body but I couldn't help to take a glimpse.

I found myself in awe of his hard, lean frame as he stood half naked before me. I tried to tear my gaze from the tan outline of his magnificent form, but it was no use, and his devilishly handsome features shifted into a knowing grin as he caught me staring. I averted my gaze embarrassed.

"I belong to no one. You don't own me!" I try sounding like I wasn't just starring at him. I kept my eyes glued to the floor afraid if I look up again I might start to drool. He was handsome, that was obvious, but he also is wicked. He belongs in a mental institute so does Auntie Tia.

He comeback out fully dressed. Thank God. I tried not to study his looks this time but it's like I had no control over myself. I kept stealing glances up at him. He completely ignored what I have said and just went on to roam in his dresser. Seconds later he threw  a simple summer dress at me that had a low V cut in the back and front.

"Get dressed." He snarls. So he did hear what I said. Since I had no choice I got up and darted to the bathroom trying to cover my bum with my hand. Once inside I locked the door, don't want him barging in while I'm getting dressed. Not that he didn't have the muscle power to rip the door off but still it's worth a try.

Staring at my reflection you could see that I have been crying. My eyes were all puffy and red. I try damping some water on my face but it didn't make much of a difference. I could tell someone has defiantly washed me because there was not a spec of dirt on me and I smelled like men soap. I really hope it wasn't Traisen. My face went red from the thought of him seeing me naked. I shake the thought out of my head and put the dress on. The V cut was a little lower than I would of liked it to be but other than that it fit me nicely.

I hesitated opening the door just because I wasn't sure where he was taking me. On the other hand anywhere is better than being stuck in this bathroom. I open the door to be met with his chest inches from my face. I couldn't help but take a whiff of his masculine cologne that hypnotized me. I open my mouth to speak but it was like the time I was chocking on a piece of sausage nothing came out. I glance up to his piercing blue eyes that were softer now than they were five minutes ago. I couldn't tare mine away from his no matter how hard I tried.

He had me in a trance that I needed to get out of. I needed to be in control of this situation and the only way to have power over him or any men is to seduce them. I didn't know how or what to do but one thing I know is to begin with a kiss...

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