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A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to the sequel, hope you enjoy it! The story is around two or so years later(no specific time frame) but that's what I'm setting it for.

Don't forget to vote and comment and tell me your predictions! Laura xxxxx

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"So, Harper over the past couple of years you have really gone from the model to watch to one of the most requested.. how does that feel?"

I smile looking around the tv studio, it wasn't the biggest I'd been in, but big enough. "It's overwhelming, I never get used to seeing myself in magazines or in an advert,"

The whole reason I was here is to talk about my new range of lipsticks I'm releasing with a makeup company, but this tv host had other ideas.

"What does Harry think about your huge success?"

There it is.

"He's as proud as I am," I answer. "We praise eachother for what we achieve in both of our careers."

She nods. "And your daughter.. what does she think to her mother being a global hit?"

Global hit?

"She's only five so she isn't too aware,but she's starting to understand little by little that I don't have a regular job."

She continued to talk to me about various subjects, often referring back to Harry, I was used to it by now - two years in the game you could probably consider me a professional interview-ee.

. . .

"I need a long bath," I sigh slumping into my seat across from Gemma who was typing away on her phone.

We had agreed to lunch but right now I just wanted to go to sleep. And by the look of her, it looked like she did too.

"Tough morning?" She placed her phone face down on the table.

I shake my head picking up a menu, "Not tough, early."

She smiles. "Oh,"

"How have you been?"

She was just getting over a tough break-up, if anything it had made us closer, Harry joked she was more of my sister than his. I guess I was the first person to really be there and support her.

"So, so."

I nod. "Break-ups are never easy, have you spoke to him?"

She shakes her head. "He's texted but I've deleted them, I can't deal with it right now."

She had been dating Lucas for around 13 months when he abruptly ended it last week, he wasn't famous but in the music business, he was a nice guy; gentle, calm, funny. Yet he broke Gemma's heart and no one knew why.

"I think you should focus on you, make yourself happy."

She smiled, but it wasn't a happy, cheerful smile, it was a sad and self doubting smile. Before I could say anything else the waitress came over to ask for our orders.

. . .

After lunch Gemma and I walked around the shops but she didn't feel like shopping and I just wanted to go for a nap, so we said our goodbyes and headed home, both of us wanting to sleep for completely different reasons.

"Hello?" Harry called as I took my key out of our door and stepped inside, picking up our mail as I did so.

"You're home?" I call back.

He walked out of the livingroom in jeans, shirt and boots. "Hello gorgeous,"

He kisses my lips and I throw my bag down not caring where it lands. "Are you cooking?" I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"No, I did around an hour ago.. why?"

"Just a strong smell of something," I physically wanted to heave.

"Oh," He pouts.

"Sienna go alright to school?"

He nods grabbing his keys. "She didn't even want me at the school gate, but she was fine."

I smile. "Thank you,"

He kisses my lips again. "I've got plans with Grimmy, I'll be home around 7,"

I nod. "Shall I save you some dinner?"

He shakes his head kissing me again. "No it's okay, see you later."

"Yep, have fun - love you,"

Kissing me a final time until I laugh he heads for the door, "Love you!"

I sigh in content as I'm engulfed by the silence. Now, time for a date with just me, my bath and a hot chocolate.

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