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A/N: Are you ready for a mini plot twist?! I think you are....

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LA had been a stress reliever. I had been able to focus on work completely, I had hired a temporary nanny called Natalie who was great with Sienna, she really got on with her.

I did four shoots, and three interviews as well as an exclusive for Elle. I was happy with my work and the way it was going.

Kendall and I had hung out as she was in LA shooting for her families show, she was telling me all about New York fashion week and how amazing it had been. I was a little jealous but I've never been as much a catwalk model, I have done it but, it's not my favourite.

Landing back home it was around 1am, so 4pm to us, I was extremely tired. I hadn't really adjusted to LA time, then I was up everyday at around 5am - it was a tough mixture to handle, especially pregnant.

Walking out of Heathrow the paps were there to welcome myself and Sienna home. Sienna had sadly grown used to them, she knew to look down, remain quiet and hold my hand tight. I felt sad that this was her life now, how she'll always been known.

My driver was thankfully waiting patiently, taking our bags from us the second he saw us as airport security helped us into the car.

Sienna was calm as ever while I tried to calm down. All I kept thinking about was if they could see my bump, I doubted that they could but I only felt paranoid the more I thought about it.

Driving onto the motorway I calmed down, we weren't being followed and for a Friday night it was weirdly quiet on the roads.

Turning off on our exit I hear the driver mumble something. I thought he was talking to me so I asked him to repeat.

"This idiot," He looked into his mirrors and I turned around to look out the back window, there was a car floating between lanes, the driver obviously reckless.

"Just let him pass," I reply calmly, my heart beat began to beat faster again as I watched him speed down, he must have been going at least 100mph.

When he caught up to us I lost him and this scared me. "Where is he?" I ask the driver.

He shrugs and I calm down a bit assuming he'd taken an exit.

But before I knew it I heard Sienna scream as a light came towards us and an impact on my leg. I reached over towards Sienna to protect her the best I could as the car spun and my eyes shut closed.

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