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I woke to my phone beeping and ringing, it was almost scary how many notifications I was receiving. With a 2pm flight back home I was okay for time and began to get ready in my own time.

When my phone had calmed I opened the first thing that my finger clicked on, it happened to be a tweet someone had sent me.

@Iluvuharry4_ @HarperFletcher girl i feel for you #scum

Linked with the tweet was a Daily Mail article. I swallowed clicking 'Open in Safari' and waited for it to load.

When it appeared my heart sank, my chest tightened.

Topless model Alina Treposina gives an exclusive interview on how the boyband member flirted with her until she agreed to go back to his home.

Harry Styles, the face on many teenage brains has been quite the naughty boy. Up until now it has been known that he has been in a long-term relationship with Harper Fletcher, the face of Marc Jacobs, Burberry and Mui Mui.

But after a one night stand this might not be the case anymore. Alina was ready to tell us her story, emotion thick in her voice as she confessed all. "I was out for my friends birthday when we entered a club in a higher end part of London, I didn't want to go in as I had little money left and I knew I couldn't afford this type of place. But my friends told me famous people were always in there and that she only wanted to go in to get pictures rather than drinks so I went with it."

She then went on to tell us how she and the boyband member met. "I was with my friends by the bar when he came over and asked what drink I'd like, I declined because even though he's famous I didn't want to accept a drink. He went on to buy me a drink anyway which turned in a lot more drinks, as well as drinking we were flirting back and fourth, I asked about the music which we talked about for a while but when I mentioned his girlfriend he would shrug it off and ignore me which I assumed meant they were over."

I was taught to never believe what you read in the papers but.. this, this doesn't even make sense to me. Who is this girl? And when did this happen exactly? Why would Harry do this - if he even did do this that is, would Harry really cheat on me?

Alina then went on to tell us; "When the night was starting to end Harry hugged me round the waist and asked me to spend the night, I asked again about his girlfriend but he changed the subject. We got into a taxi, and we kissed which instantly changed my mind. We went back to his where we talked for a while before having sex."

I have never, ever in my life felt like this. Is there even an emotion for this feeling? Without warning I ran to the bathroom and threw up three times before sinking back and crying into my knees.

. . .

Getting to the airport was a nightmare, the paps were hot on my heels wanting a comment on the story that was being printed worldwide. I had texts, calls, emails everything blowing up my phone but I felt the best way to handle it would be to not handle it and turn my phone off.

Landing back in the UK was sort of a relief, with the new story I felt uncomfortable away from home.

I took an über to my mums and smiled the second Sienna ran out to greet me. My mum and sister smiled at me but I could tell by their faces that they'd seen and heard the story.

"I'm okay," I whisper walking through the door past them.

. . .

Arriving back home I wasn't ready to confront Harry but I knew Sienna would be confused if I took us to a hotel.

The second the car pulled up outside, Harry stepped out. He was in comfy clothes which meant he hadn't been to work today.

"Hiii," He smiled. Sienna ran into his arms as I unloaded our bags.

Harry took them off me before I could pick them up again. "Thanks," I mumble walking up the drive into the house.

Inside I was surprised to see Liam and Niall were round, Sienna in Niall's arms giggling.

"Hi Harper," Niall and Liam say at the same time.

"Hi guys," I take my shoes off along with my jacket.

They both seemed awkward, obviously they knew about the story.. Which could only mean Harry did too.

I tie my hair up and walk into the kitchen making myself a vitamin shake, I hadn't had one whilst in LA.

"Good trip?" Harry asks leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah, great." I keep my back to him as I process the shake.

"It was odd without you,"

I wanted to scoff but I didn't want to start anything, not with guests, or with Sienna around. "Yeah, can imagine." Was all I could pathetically answer.

Grabbing my shake I head back towards to the door.

"Where you going?" Harry asks innocently.

"Upstairs, I'm tired and jetlagged."

He nods looking down biting his lip, this meant he knew he was in the wrong, he knew we were going to talk later, and that our relationship wasn't healthy right now.

"Sleep well,"

I walk upstairs and head for the spare room. I couldn't sleep, I could only think. Think about her, him and her. If it did happen, where? Would he show her our bed? Or in here maybe? Because he couldn't possibly do it with someone in our bed, right?

It then dawned on me that this room would soon have to be decorated, this room would no longer be a spare room, it would be the babies room.

Our baby.

. . .

It was just after 11 when there was a knock on the door to the spare room. "Hmm?" I wasn't asleep, I hadn't been for the past hour or so, I woke up for the toilet and couldn't get back to sleep.

"Hey," Harry's voice was rough. "Sienna went down fine,"

"Thanks," I felt guilty that the first night I was back and I didn't even put her to sleep, I was too busy sleeping myself.

"It's okay,"

"So.. do you want to tell me what the fuck is going on?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's not true, I didn't sleep with anyone. You've got to believe me," He pleaded.

I remained silent.

"If I did sleep with this girl, where's the photos? They're only showing photos of her on the night out, but there's none of us together, and that's impossible because if I was genuinely with her the photos would be everywhere."

He has a point. I didn't see any photographic evidence.

"I did go out on Thursday night, but I didn't sleep with anyone. I went out had few drinks, caught a uber with Lou and Gem then came home and slept like a baby. That's it."

I swallow. "You were with Lou and Gem?"

He nods. "I didn't really spend much time with the boys I was mainly with them."

Probably explained the numerous amount of texts from Lou and Gemma, they're probably telling me not to believe the lies.

"I believe you," I reply.

He let out a breath.

"I believe you because you made a promise to never hurt me or Sienna,"

He shakes his head. "Never, I could never cheat on you, or lie. You're everything."

I hug him and I close my eyes, the guilt returning back. "Good,"

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