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"I feel sick," Was the only thing I could muster up to say.

Lou was touching up on my hair as my dress had just messed it up slightly. Anne and my mum were tending to the train trying to keep it from creasing.

"I can assure you you look amazing," Kendall stood off to the side, a proud smile on her face.

I brush over my ever growing bump and smile. "It's all worth it,"

Many women would think it's ridiculous to get married whilst five months pregnant but I couldn't think of anything better. Our ceremony is small, family and close friends only. I knew sharing this day with these people would be the biggest day of my life, so why not do it pregnant?

We found out we were having a girl and Harry couldn't believe it. He was the happiest I think I've ever seen him. Sienna now being 7 is excited for a little sister but can at times get very jealous so I try as and when to do one on one activities just so she feels supported.

As my bridesmaids I have Saffron, Lou, Lux and Sophia. I didn't want a lot and I felt those four were perfect. Kendall is my maid of honour, and Sienna is the flower girl.

Harry had the boys - minus Zayn, with him, I knew he wouldn't choose one, it would be all three or none.

Archie came in, he was suited and booted nicely - thanks to Harry, he smiled. "It's time,"

I nod and take his arm. I chose Archie as the person to walk me down the aisle. He was the only male figure in my life that I would want to walk me down the aisle, although it was very close to being Niall.

In the car I sit silently with Archie, I play with my bracelet that was something borrowed from Kendall and I feel the nerves kick in.

"He'll be there, right?"

Archie laughs. "Of course. I've spoken to him, he's very nervous but he's there. He's waiting."

I smile at the reassurance.

"Plus if he didn't turn up I'd hunt him down,"

I roll my eyes, but I knew deep down this is true. Archie would go to the ends of the earth for me.

"Thank you," I smile.

Archie kisses the back of my hand. "I would do anything for you, Saffron and mum."

"And Katie?" I raise an eyebrow with a smirk, I knew he had been dating this girl for a little while but Archie never went into detail, but after eight months I kind of guessed they were a couple now.


I laugh. "You can say if you're dating y'know? I'm your big sister, I'm getting married, I won't find it gross,"

Archie shrugs. "She's coming to the reception,"

"And I hope she's your first dance," I smile.

Archie is shy again, he always has been about relationships and I never understood why. I think he thinks talking about it will jinx it.

Arriving at the church I watch as the final bridesmaid walks in and I take a deep breath. Archie hugs me one final time before I link his arm and give him a nod.

It's time.

Walking in I feel everything in tunnel vision, I don't look at those around me, I just focus on Harry's back.

When he turns for a slight second I see his smile grow into a huge grin before he turns back round again, Niall was whispering things into his ear and I knew by Niall's smirk that I wouldn't even like to think what he was saying.

When I finally get to Harry, Archie kisses my cheek and mutters 'I love you' before disappearing. Harry lifts my veil and I see a tear in each eye.

The ceremony was everything I'd ever dreamed of, Harry looked as if he was in a dreamworld the entire time - like he couldn't believe he was marrying me.

When it was over, we took the traditional photos outside of the church with the confetti, as soon as she could Sienna was by my side the entire time and even rode in the car with Harry and I to the reception, I didn't mind however as I wanted her with me through this day too.

We were at the reception early so I could change dresses, my second and last dress was shorter and easier to move around in, plus it was made a little bigger for my bump. No, it wasn't the ideal second dress I had in mind but I was pregnant and I am not putting fashion first.

When everyone arrived we asked for everyone to sit down at their allocated seats. Harry, myself, Sienna, my mum, Anne and Robin were sat on our long table that looked out over everyone.

Harry stood and tapped a glass lightly to gather everyone's attention, they were soon quiet.

"I would just like to thank each and everyone one of you for coming, for being here. It means a lot to myself and Harper." He smiles. "I'm not the greatest with speeches if I'm honest." He admits. "Yeah I mean, I've sang to ninety thousand people but standing here has to be the most scariest thing I've ever done," Everyone smiles as do I. "But marrying Harper wasn't scary, in fact it was the best thing I've ever done. Harper, because of you I have learnt what family means, who my family are. And it's you. You're my family, my beginning and my end. So," He clears his throat. "A toast, to Harper and to family."

"Harper and family." Everyone repeats and Harry sits down as everyone cheers for him.

I kiss his cheek. "I love you,"

Niall, Louis and Liam each give a short but sweet speech each before our food is served. The whole thing is a success, I see my family speaking with Harry's family, Kendall shamelessly flirting with a friend of Archie's and Archie whispering something to Katie who kept on smiling.

I'm in love with my life.

After food we show everyone to the dancehall, Harry had asked for specific DJ's only for the night.

First, it was our dance. I was expecting the song to begin playing but Ed Sheeran himself came out sang Photograph live for us. I was very emotional as it is my favourite song of his and Harry obviously knows this.

I felt at ease dancing in Harry's arms, as if this was exactly where I'm supposed to be.

"This was the most perfect day," I smile as we slowly dance.

"You're the most perfect wife,"

"Wife," I repeat, the new words feel amazing.

"Harper Styles,"

"Mrs Styles," I smile just saying it.

"You're never going to be a Fletcher again."

I shrug. "I think I like the new name more,"

"Well it's yours forever,"

I look up at him. "Always?"

He smiles kissing me and I can see Anne wiping a tear. "Always, Mrs Styles."

. . .

A/N: hey guys don't forget to vote and comment what you thought!

I'd just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me on this story, who has laughed and cried with Harper and Harry. As my first story I am very proud and I can't wait for my next journey!

Check out Time and A.M.Z next! They're different but I love them :)

Award for longest A/N goes to me..

Anyway! Thank you, love you, hopefully see you on my next story.

Laura xxxxxxxxxx

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