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A/N; Anna Sophia Robb is Harpers sister Saffron, she's soooo pretty! Thanks for the support guys, you are amazing!

Also, after this book I'm going to start a new one, I have some great ideas for it(it won't be connected to this story) it'll be called Time. It's a bit of a different story so comment if you would like a prologue for it just so you can get a feel of what it'll be about.

Don't worry Baby Face is far from over!! I just like to plan things.. Baby Face won't be as long as Angel Face, just so you know :) anyway.. enjoy! Xx

. . .


When I got back to our place Sienna was in the kitchen with Helena, Archie and Saffron. I was surprised to say the least.

"I told Lou to go home, Gemma's upstairs sleeping," Helena explained the second she saw me.

I nod slowly. "Okay, thank you,"

"How is she?" Saffron asks handing Sienna a carrot.

"She's okay, I reckon she'll be home by tomorrow,"

They all look relieved. "We're going to head there now.. is that okay?"

I think for a minute, Harper had been ignoring them for the past few weeks, would she really want them there?

I nod. "I'm going to shower, I'll be back later."

Helena gives me a shy smile, it was awkward, of course it was - but they're her family at the end of the day, no matter how she saw it.

I give Helena a brief hug before they all leave, Sienna jumps down from the kitchen counter telling me she's watching tv and i pour myself a glass of water.

. . .


I was in no state to face my family but when I saw them walk in one by one I couldn't help but feel a little better.

"I was so worried," My mum/Helena cries as she hugs me.

"I'm fine," I answer quietly.

"You're feeling okay?" Saffron asks.

"I've had better days but yeah, I hope I'm out tomorrow because I am so bored in here,"

Everyone smiles, the silence prominent in the room.

"Harry's at your place now,"

I nod. "Yeah,"

"He's a good guy," Archie comments, "He's a keeper,"

I laugh. "Thanks, he's the best."

With another silence I decide it's now or never, it had to be out there at some point. "I'm pregnant,"

My mum gasps hugging me again as Saffron grins.

"It's Harry's right?" Archie frowns.

I roll my eyes. "No the other guy I've been with for the past two years," I reply sarcastically.

Archie smirks before giving me a hug.

"Girl or boy?"

I shrug. "I'm nine weeks so I can't find out, I'd like a sister for Sienna, but I'd also like a little boy,"

"I hope it's a boy," Archie mumbles. "Get him into Chelsea - the right football team."

I laugh. "Good luck, Harry's supports Man U,"

Archie rolls his eyes. "Waste of a team,"

It almost felt normal, my siblings and I sat talking. But with the way my mum was watching us, it reminded me again of the truth. The reality.

They aren't my siblings. We don't look alike, or have similar eyes, we don't enjoy the same things or share the same dna. We're just three people who were brought up by the same person.

"I'd hate to be holding you guys back from your day," I announce. "I'll be fine in here,"

"No, no. We want to be here, you're more important." My mum smiles.

I am grateful but for now I'd had enough, after not speaking to them for so long I had kind of grown used to not needing them. "It's fine, i'm going to nap anyway,"

My mum takes the hint along with Archie and Saffron who grabs her bag. "I have uni work anyway," She mumbles. "Get better and I'll see you when you're home,"

I nod and she gives me a hug, then Archie, then mum who whispers 'I love you Harper, so much.'

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