Twenty Five

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I avoided Harry, he avoided me; all day. I could tell for everyone else it was uncomfortable and I hated it, I couldn't stand the tension.

When Sienna fell asleep I put my shoes on and left for a beach walk, Niall quickly followed after and we walked slowly along the beach, my feet getting wet every so often by the shallow tide.

"So what happened," Niall breathes after around five minutes of walking in silence.

Niall and I were never close, but I always got on with him the best and after this holiday I could say I've got a new friend in him.

"Harry and I had a fight,"

"Sensed that much," He smiled sadly. "What about?"

"He didn't tell you?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

Niall shrugs. "We don't talk about things like that,"

I shrug. "He didn't tell me about tour, in his mind he was protecting me. Worried that he'd send me over the edge or something,"

"I doubt it,"

"He.. asked me how sick I am, it hurt, a lot. I'm not sick Niall."

Niall swallows. "But you were.."

"Depressed. You can say it,"


"Doesn't mean I am now, I mean he can't label me as that for life, I can't be treated differently because of a blip."

"But you are.. better now, right?"

"I have good days and bad days. Good more than bad now. But when they're bad, they're bad." I sit on a rock and just look out at the sea. "I wish I was normal,"

"You are normal, Harper." Niall sighs joining me on the rock.

"I don't feel it,"

"Who does?" He smiles. "I hardly ever feel normal in this business, six years of it and I can hardly remember normality. You wake up, read another story, another tale. Your every movement is documented, watched. I would pay a lot of money to go back home for one day and just be free. Free of it all, but I can't.. this is life. You just have to realise there is no normal, there never was."

I wasn't expecting this from Niall, he's never really sat down with me like this, so it was nice to see his side of things.

He's always been one of the best in my opinion with fame, he's always just loved it, never complained. But just because someone isn't open about something doesn't mean it doesn't affect them.

"I just think about when it all got complicated, y'know?"

Niall smiles slightly. "I'm a single guy, I don't do complications,"

I laugh. "When will you settle down?"

He shrugs. "When I meet someone who doesn't make me want to do anything but settle down,"

"Good answer,"

He sighs.

"Can I tell you something?" I look up at him and I knew already I could, Harry's always told me that Niall is beyond trustworthy.

"Of course,"

"I.. I'm adopted,"

He's silent, I don't know what I would say to that so I understood.

"My mum and dad live in America, LA."

"Have you spoke to them?"

I shake my head. "My mum sent me two letters, inviting me, well us over. Me, Sienna and Harry."

"Have you spoke to.."

"Helena, no. Not since I was in hospital,"



"Are you going over?"

I nod taking a deep breath. "I think so," I breathe out. "Wouldn't you want to meet them? I have a brother and sister too,"

"If it was me I'd go over for sure,"

"Do you want to know the biggest joke of all?"

Niall nods a little.

"My mum is Florence Whitehead,"

Niall's mouth drops. "As in-"

"As in the supermodel, yes."

"Shit, what, wow." He laughs. "We met her daughter at an award show, she seemed sweet,"

"Well now you've met two of her daughters," I laugh.


"I know," I let out a breath.

"Well, you know I'm always here for you Harper, always here to chat, always."

"Thanks Niall,"

He stands and holds a hand out. "Coming?"

I shake my head. "I'm going to stay here a little bit,"

He nods, smiling at me before heading off.

I let out a puff of breath before looking back out at sea.

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