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I don't know when I fell unconscious but I guess it was before the ride to the hospital because I had no idea where I was when I woke up.

Harry was beside me, his hand clutched in mine. He seemed to be holding a tissue in his other.

"Harry," I croak.

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with tears. I knew something wasn't right, something bad has happened. This hospital bed was the first sign of bad news.

"The baby," I whisper.

He shakes his head slowly.

"Where.. the baby?"

He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, and I knew, just by his face I knew.

We'd lost him/her.

"Hi Harper, glad you're awake.. I'm Dr Sarah Burk, I performed the theatre."

"Theatre?" I frown looking from her to Harry.

"You've suffered a miscarriage Harper. It is believed that the impact from the car crash was the cause,"

I shake my head. "I can't.. that's not true," I cry.

Harry's hand squeezes mine and I feel sick.

"The theatre went well, and we believe that you should recover fine, I understand that this is a tough time for you both, there is support available whenever you need it," She smiles sympathetically as Harry gives her a faint 'thank you'.

I stare at my bed sheet trying to get this all together, this is my own fault.. all of this, if I hadn't of lied, if I hadn't had kept it a secret this wouldn't have happened.

I'm a awful person.

"I hate myself," I whisper.

Harry kisses my hand. "Don't, don't blame yourself Harper, don't, okay?"

"I should have told you, I should have told everyone, I shouldn't have been quiet, I'm an awful person."

Although Harry tried to comfort me I felt myself become numb. Numb to any type of feeling.

"Where's Sienna? I want to go home,"

"She's at your mums,"

"Why? Why is she there?" I start to try to climb out of bed but the wires were in the way as well as my ankle.

"Because your mum was the first person I thought about,"

"She doesn't get to have Sienna, she isn't my mum,"

"Harper calm down." Harry guides me back down and I cry into him.

"I'm so sorry," I sob. "I'm an awful girlfriend, mother, person I don't deserve you, go ahead, leave me, walk away you don't need me,"

"I need you as much as you need me," Harry soothes me. "I'm not going anywhere,"

"Go to LA Harry, you're happier there," I was sure I had soaked his T-shirt by now.

"No, I'm staying to look after you Harper, you're what's important, okay?"

He looks in my eyes and I cry all over again. This was all of my fault, everything was my fault.

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