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I woke up feeling like I'd been asleep for months. I could see figures walking past my hospital room, there was a dull noise.

As I slowly sat up I saw Harry, he was on the other side of the room asleep. I'd wondered how long he'd been here, if he'd gone home at all.

I let out a groan as I tried to get out of bed, this wakes him and I instantly feel bad as I see the tired bags and dark circles under his eyes. His face pale, an indication he hadn't slept for long at all.

"Harper," He whispers. He's beside my bed and hugging me before I can reply. "I was so worried,"

I cry, it was the only thing I could do. I can't imagine the worry he must have felt. "I'm okay," I reassure. "Have you seen Sienna?"

He nods. "She's at home sleeping, Gemma and Lou are there, they came the second they heard,"

"Does everyone know?" I ask shyly.

"If you mean the media, yes.. but they're wishing you great recovery, they aren't slating you."

I nod silently. "Was Sienna hurt? Is she okay? Nothing broken or-"

He shakes his head. "She's fine, she actually called me an idiot for worrying so much,"

I laugh but wince clutching my ribs. "Ouch,"

"Harper," Harry sits on my bed, his expression distant, like he'd been thinking about something for a while.


His eyes meet mine and I knew. I knew he knew, there's just something that told me, we have this connection, this chemistry. I know him, I know Harry more than I probably know myself.

"You're pregnant," He announces.

I didn't know what to do, I felt my hands tremble because I was caught out, my secret was slowly about to unfold and it's my own fault. I swallow, I didn't know how to answer him.


"You knew, didn't you?" He looks away, his eyes down, bottom lip between his teeth. "How long?"

"I- I wanted to tell you but-"

"How long Harper?"

"Two, three weeks? I don't know I just-"

"Just what? Who else knows?"

It was my turn to look away, the guilt so overwhelming I genuinely felt like I was going to throw up.

"Kendall and Samantha,"

His face looks pained, as if each syllable I spoke hurt him. "Why?"

"Kendall found my tests, Samantha thought I was bulimic when I was throwing up one morning so I had to tell her so she didn't sign me up for therapy or something,"

He nods silently, his eyes down, face sad.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me, it's me Harper, why?"

This is when I began to cry. "Because you're so stressed and-"

"It's a baby Harper,"


"Our baby, I want to know everything about him or her, I don't care about my stresses and neither should you. You and Sienna and the baby are first, why would you ever think different?"

I was still crying, my palms flush to my face as I tried to wipe it. "I put myself under pressure, and I don't want you to worry and I have so much with work and Sienna and we argue so much I just.." I shake my head.

He frowns. "You thought I would leave you?"

I look away.


I look up at him, a tear slowly making it's way down his cheek.

"You thought I wouldn't want it?"

"You didn't want to marry me," I knew it wasn't fair to pin it on him, but with my emotions high I felt attack was the best form of defence. "You have so much going on, I feel like a burden never mind bringing a baby into the mix,"

"So what would you have done when you went into labour nine months later?"

"I would have told you-"


"When the time was right, I was just.."

"Just what?"

"I don't know," I finally exclaim. I was exhausted physically and emotionally.

We were both silent, I tried to read him but he was coming off so unclear.

"Right, well," He stands and I panic. Is he going to leave me?

That's when I asked myself when did I become so weak? When did I become this girl? The girl who's scared to lose a guy, scared of being alone.

"Are you leaving me?"

He lifts his jacket, shaking his head. "Don't be crazy Harper,"

I felt a sense of relief rush through my entire body.

"I'm going to go home, shower and come back, I'll bring Sienna,"

I nod as he leans down to kiss me. "Thank you, I love you,"

And although his smile was faint, it wasn't his usual cheeky, dimple showing smile it was still a smile. "I love you, Harper."

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