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When I fell pregnant with Sienna I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I had no aspirations, no real goals, I knew by having Sienna I would have to grow up, become an adult.

Become a mum.

I was sat frozen just staring at the three pregnancy tests. Emotions were running wild, I didn't know if I should call someone, but who?

Harry. My mind told me. Call Harry, tell him you're pregnant.

But I couldn't. He had a big day of promo tomorrow, if I told him he'd want to fly out to me.

Picking up the tests I shut off the bathroom light before placing them beside my bed.

I climb in, tiredness taking over - it must be at least 1am by now.

A few hours later I'm woken to the familiar feeling of nausea, I rush to the bathroom and throw up at least six times before the baby thinks it's time to give me a break and allows me to sleep in until 11.

After having breakfast I pack, sad that I'm leaving tomorrow but excited to see Harry and Sienna.

"Hello?" My phone had rang twice before I answered.

"It's me," Kendall breathes. "What floor are you? These stairs are killing me."

"Take the lift-"

"I have abs to keep up Harper,"

I roll my eyes. "What floor you on now?"


"Oh okay I'm fourteen." I bite my lip.

"Are you fucking-"

"I'm joking, I'm floor nine, room nine zero six."

"Okay," She pants. "Okay,"

When Kendall finally arrives I open the door handing her a fresh bottle of water.

"I don't know why you didn't just take the lift," I laugh packing my essentials into a bag. We were going for lunch and a shopping session before I flew home and she flew to New York.

"Because I have four shoots in New York, I need to be fit at all times."

I laugh walking into the bathroom to check I look okay and brush my teeth.

"Harper," Kendall calls - her voice confused.

"Mm?" I walk out the bathroom, toothbrush still in my mouth and I freeze.

Kendall was stood with all three tests in her hand.

"Are you?-"

I take the toothbrush out my mouth. "I don't know," I shut my eyes. "I have three positives so possibly, yes."

Kendall gasps. "This is amazing!"

I walk back into the bathroom to spit and wipe my mouth. "It is?"

She stands at the bathroom door, leaning against the frame - all three tests still in her hands.

"This is fantastic Harper! A sibling for Sienna, a child of you and Harry,"

"Harry," I breathe.

It's silent whilst Kendall places them down. "He doesn't know, does he?"

I shake my head. "He can't, not yet."

"Why? When will you tell him?"

My thoughts exactly. "I don't know just not now."

"This is huge Harper,"


"Why do I get the feeling that you're not so happy.."

"I am happy, I'm extremely happy but-"

"You're worried about everyone else,"

I shake my head. "Just Harry and Sienna, I mean she's been a lone child for five years and Harry's far too stressed right now for this," I point to my stomach.

"He'll want to know Harper, he would drop everything for you,"

"Exactly, he can't."

Kendall sighs knowing she won't win. "Kind of glad I know first." She smirks washing her hands. "Kind of pissed I touched your pee though,"

I laugh before she gives me a hug. "I'm so happy for you, you're going to continue being the best mum ever,"

I smile. "Thanks,"

And although her words made me feel 100x better as well as our girly day - it wasn't my parenting skills I was scared about, I was scared about the future.

Every single second of it.

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