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A/N: Okay guys I'm posting the prologue of Time so go over and give it a quick read!(if you want to that is...) enjoy xxx

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Arriving home I was met with flowers and get well soon gifts. I was overwhelmed.

I have to be on crutches for eight weeks and I'm not allowed to fly in that time, Samantha had told me to take time off, cool down and then start up again in a couple of weeks.

But I didn't have time to take time off.

"Mummy!" Sienna ran to me but I had to tell her to be careful because of my ankle.

Harry took my bag whilst I walked slowly into the livingroom. Lou, Gemma, Niall, Liam and Louis were all over, smiles on their faces as I made my grand entrance.

Liam helped me sit down and I gave him a quiet thank you, Sienna ran in with Lux behind her both carrying dolls. Harry then walked in and sat on the arm beside me, usually I tell him off but there wasn't anymore seats so he was okay this time.

"So, anything new?" Louis clapped.

I roll my eyes. "Nah, just getting into car crashes."

Harry coughed which told me he wasn't comfortable - maybe my joke was too soon, I didn't feel it was however.

"You're seriously lucky," Niall shook his head.

"I know, I'm extremely grateful that it's just my ankle."

The rest of the afternoon was spent chilling and talking, Lou left first as Lux was staying at Tom's, then slowly bit by bit everyone left to go home until it was just me, Sienna and Harry.

"I'll make us some food,"

"You don't have to," I smile. "We can always order-"

"No, no. It's fine."

Harry heads into the kitchen leaving me with Sienna who was watching tv. I was glad to be home, but I wasn't sure where Harry and I stood, he said he wouldn't leave me, but I felt a definite distance between us.

. . .

We were eating in silence, Sienna would occasionally say something, or ask me something, but it would mainly be us in silence.

"So," Harry starts. "I was thinking maybe going to LA for a little bit,"

I look down, this proved my point of the distance between us. "Oh?"

Sienna picks her plate up and puts it on the side. "I'm watching tv," She announces.

"So, LA."

Harry's eyes meet mine. "I just think going there for a little while is good,"

"You do? You only go there to escape. You think it's fair to just up and leave because you can?"

He scoffs, "Fair? You want to talk about fair?"


"You didn't tell me you were pregnant with my child,"

"Because I was worried,"

"I just think LA is the best place,"

I shake my head. "Theres a distance between us, there's something that's just missing, isn't there?"

Harry frowns. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying Harry, if you want to leave, go to LA, be my guest. I'm just not sure if I'll be here waiting for you,"

"You're breaking up with me? Seriously? After two years of us building this relationship?"

I sigh but then I feel a jolt of pain run through me and I wince and I cry out gripping the edge of the table.

"Harper?" Harry's voice is alarmed as he stands.

I cry out again, the pain worse this time shooting through my stomach. "Harry," I cry.

He's on the phone before I can say anything else and I try to breathe through the pain but it's just getting worse as I try to breathe through it.

As Harry helps me stand I see Sienna run in, panic across her face.

"Mummy? What's happening?"

"Just sit in the livingroom Sienna," Harry answers patiently. "Mummy's fine,"

As he helps me walk I look down at the warm liquid dripping down my bare leg.


"Harry!" I cry. "The baby!"

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