Twenty Three

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A/N: Hey guys, so after this book I'll be writing another called Time(prologue is up already - check it out) But I also decided that I will do the odd Harry & Harper one shot too, it'll just be a book called 'Harry & Harper one shots' where I'll update as and when :) thanks for letting me know by the way!
Enjoy xxxxxx

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Today, we booked to go on a boat trip. I'm not the greatest with boats but Harry promised it would be safe and fun so I agreed.

Sienna was very excited which made me nervous because the last thing I wanted was for her to fall in the sea, but she soon calmed down and sat with me as it started up.

We were able to see for miles, the day was so clear and I couldn't help but take a thousand photos.


I look up at Harry and my hair blew all over, he smiled holding his phone up before looking down at it and typing quickly.

My phone beeped with an Instagram notification;

@harrystyles wind-stagram? beautiful view.

I like it then lean over and kiss him before grabbing a bottle of water.

All day I kept checking Sienna's sun cream and making sure she was wearing her sun hat, I'd hate to be one of those over protective parents but I wanted her to be protected.

When we got to a certain point the driver told us we could all go for a swim, I stayed on the boat and watched with Sienna and Lux, I'd take photos for everyone too.

Niall was first back on the boat, he dried his hair before perching next to me.

"Waters fresh, want to dip?"

"I don't like open water," I admit.

"I get'cha,"

I smile at him.

"You and H-izzle good?"

I nod. "Yeah, we go through ups and downs, but what couple doesn't?"

Niall stretches out his legs. "Yeah you two are the real deal, you'll be together forever,"

I laugh. "I'd like that,"

Niall and I take a selfie together after he complains that we've never had one before he uploads it to Instagram;

@niallhoran me n the Harpster ! Crazy chick ! Love ya

I smile, liking it before putting my phone down. Sienna and Lux were both playing dolls on the floor in the shade, the heat must be getting to them by now.

"It's so nice to relax," I say stretching out too.

"I know, got a lot of stuff coming up,"

"You do? What?" I ask.

"Not just me, all four of us, the album, the tour, the-"

"What?" I frown. "Tour?"

Niall gives me a side glance. "Yeah,"

"You're touring again?"

He nods. "Harry didn't tell you?"

"I thought you were having a break?"

He shakes his head. "Starts in October, we've had it planned for months,"

I frown. Why didn't Harry tell me? He said they were recording and waiting to tour.

This was all news to me.

"Maybe he told you but you forgot, You've had a lot going on too," He points to my now support-free ankle.

"Yeah," I wasn't really listening, just thinking about why Harry would avoid telling me this. "Yeah, maybe."

I watch as Harry and Gemma joke about in the sea, Lou floating on her back and I found myself asking; who else knew about tour?

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