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When you buy your first home, you are met with numerous things. You have to start being an adult and spending money wisely.

Although this isn't my first house, it's the first one I've ever owned, obviously Harry and I part own it, but it was still a big deal.

Sitting at the counter top as Sienna ate her breakfast I read through different bills that had come through this morning.

Harry walked in a few minutes later fully dressed. Kissing me on the forehead he grabs a box of granola and starts to pour.

"Important day?" I ask still reading through bills.

"Tour discussions,"

"Still not finding dates?"

He shakes his head.

I had really seen a change in Harry the past couple of years. He had gone from this energetic and excited One Direction member to this mature and tired member.

They were doing countless tours and records and this and that, and although he would never admit it.. he was getting tired of it.

I knew he was staying purely for the fans, and after the way fans reacted when Zayn left a year ago I knew he's petrified of what could come of it.

I'm not saying he's unhappy or wanting to quit, I'm just saying he's tired and ready to maybe go a new direction in his life.

"No," He sits beside Sienna who was now looking at Harry, she'd noticed his pissy mood too.

"Okay, well I have a few bills here that have come through-"

"Just give them to me and I'll deal with them."

I oblige handing them over. With Harry it's all about picking your fights, I knew this wasn't his usual behaviour, it's just because he was frustrated with work, tired and just wanting a break.

The thing with our bills is, both of our names are on them but Harry always tells me to give them to him, he doesn't let me pay or really understand what the bills are for, and although to some people that sounds like heaven, to me as an independent person it bugs me. I want to know what's going on with my house too, I own it as well, and by the way he's treating these bills - I could tell it was going to cause some conflict.

So I was just biding my time. Waiting for the right moment.

We have been living together for just nine months, I didn't want to become the crazy annoying girlfriend but I also didn't want to be pushed out of things such as bills.

"Harry, today at school we're doing running and I'm rubbish," Sienna pouts.

His face softens, "You're a great runner Sienna," He encourages.

"But Katie Porter is a much better runner,"

"As long as you try your best, it doesn't matter." He kisses her temple and I smile.

With Sienna upstairs brushing her teeth I rinse her breakfast bowl before loading it into the dishwasher.

As I stand back up I feel a presence behind me, turning around Harry places his hands on my hips gently. "I'm sorry," He looks down, his face upset.

I kiss his cheek. "Don't be, you're under a lot of stress, I understand. Don't apologise for being frustrated."

"It's hard,"

I nod kissing his lips tasting the berries from his granola. "I know, but I believe in you. You're my superhero."

"Your hot superhero,"

"Hmm.." I make a face as if to say 'really?' Before he tickles me until I'm pleading for him to stop.

"Ready!" Sienna beams.

"Okay," I wipe my hands. "We'll leave in five,"

"I'll come," Harry announces.

I frown. "You have work meetings,"

He shrugs. "They can wait,"

. . .

Today I had a shoot and interview with four different magazines, it was taking place all over London and I knew just from how much traffic there was that it was going to be a long day.

My anxiety levels were quite high today too, I'm usually quite okay with busy days like today but for some reason I felt triggered today, like a ticking time bomb.

During my break of my second photo shoot Samantha arrived, donut in one hand, her phone in another.

"My, my Samantha are those carbs?" I smirk nodding towards the donut.

She rolls her eyes taking a bite. "Cheat day,"

I continue to smirk as she throws her phone in her bag and sits next to me. "I have some great news,"

"Do tell," I bite into my chicken sub as she begins.

"I have had three huge and amazing deals emailed to me today.. For you."

I blink.

"The first is a book deal.."

I cringe. "A book deal?"

"Yeah, an autobiography, having your say, sharing your story."

"I don't think that's for me.. I mean, who would buy it?"

"A lot of people, you're not just young and beautiful you're a mother too. You reach out to a lot of people,"

I shake my head. "I just don't think I'm a tell all kind of person, plus people would only read to see if I talk about Harry. I'm not about that."

She shrugs. "Next is a perfume range, these people have worked with Rihanna, Britney, JLo.."

I guess perfume could be something to think about. "I'll think about it,"

"The final is a deal with LA Ford Models, you know.. who Kendall's with. They saw you were already with agencies here and in New York so they wanted to snap you up too."

"That, I would do. Harry's there a lot and if I can have an agency there it would be a lot easier."

She nods typing on her phone. "So LA thing yes, perfume maybe and book no."

I nod. "Correct,"

Putting her phone away she looks at me with a frown.

"What?" I laugh.

"You look pale today."

"I'm tired and they haven't put makeup on yet, I had to wash it off for the next part of the shoot,"

"Are you eating well?"

"Yes, mum." I joke.

"Make sure you do,"

I roll my eyes.

. . .

Getting home that night I was pleasantly surprised to be returning to a tidied house.

Walking through to the kitchen I find Harry sat waiting at our table, dinner prepared, candles burning.

"What is this?" I smile slowly walking and sitting down across from him.

"A sorry,"

I look at the table, my favourite dinner prepared. "Where's Sienna?"

"At your mums, she offered even though I said it was fine,"

I smile. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

I lean over and kiss him before taking a bite of the chicken. "This is the best chicken I've ever tasted," I moan taking another bite.

"I.. I didn't cook it, I invited a chef friend over," He blushes.

"I don't care, it's the thought that counts," I smile sipping my wine.

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