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After an emotional goodbye to Harry and then Sienna, a long haul flight to LA and a jetlag so bad I wanted to sleep for three months.. I was settled in.

I'd been here two days but I took those days off and decided to just sleep through them before connecting back with social media.

Sienna was apparently getting on fine and Harry text me non-stop, eventhough I knew it was late back home he wouldn't go sleep until he'd spoken to me.

. . .

"It's lovely to meet you, Harper." A member of the judging panel at LA Models smiles. She was in a suit, I was guessing by the fit it was Burberry. Her lips nude, eye makeup minimum.

"Thank you, you too." I was sat beside Samantha at a round table with five officials from the agency, my portfolio open, magazine spreads and covers of me also on the table.

"As you may or may not know our agency is one of the highest and most requested," A man who I gathered was gay by his pink suit and electric blue tie spoke up.

"I understand," I nod.

"It's difficult to even get a meeting like this one, but when we saw you on Vogue Spain we knew, we knew you'd be perfect for our company."

I smile. "Thank you,"

"We're offering you an on-going contract, benefits similar to what you are offered by your other agencies."

Samantha and I smile at each other.

This was going to be a good day.

. . .

After the meeting I called Kendall straight away when I got back to my hotel room.

"How did it go?"

"So, guess who's now on your label!"

"I'm so happy for you! What are you doing today?"


"Let's meet in an hour then? Celebratory dinner?"

I laugh. "Of course,"

. . .

Kendall picked me up and we headed to a restaurant she said was her favourite. We were hounded by the paps as usual when we walked in, it wasn't something that even affected me anymore.

With Kendall they were always asking if we were okay, or having a girls night, or where Harry was or if something was going on with Kendall's family i.e her dad or if Kim was pregnant again.

"I have missed you so much," Kendall sips her water. "But I need to tell you something,"

I play with my napkin. "Sure, go ahead."

"I'm thinking about buying a place in New York,"

I nod. "That'll be a shorter flight from London,"

"Exactly, and I'm always having to fly there anyway, so why not.."

I smile and her phone goes off, as she takes hers out I do too in case my mum had Messaged me about Sienna.

Missing you. x

I smile at Harry's text. Missing you more xx

Going out later for a 'lads' night. Louis seems to think we all need one .x

I want to go on a lads night :(

You'll be here in spirit .xx

Have fun, love you. Xx

Love you .xx

"Harry okay?"

I throw my phone in my bag. "How do you know it was Harry?"

"The stupid grin on your face,"

I roll my eyes.

"So, anything new in your life apart from the amazing LA Models deal?" Kendall asks.

Tell her, she's your best friend.. tell her.


She looks up at my sudden serious tone. "What? What is it?"

"I," I breathe and I feel bile climbing higher and higher, why is this so hard?

"What?" She laughs. "You're making me nervous,"

"I think maybe.. H-Harry might not love me anymore," I lie.

And as Kendall's face softens I feel pathetic for not admitting what I should have said.

"What? How could you think that? He's like obsessed with you.. seriously."

I nod with a small smile trying to hide the fact that I just lied to my best friend for the first time in two years. "Yeah," It was all I could muster up.

. . .

Later on that night around 11:30pm I knew now would be the perfect time. I called an Uber and told it the address of a supermarket that was a bit out of town.

Arriving, I tell him to wait as I only needed to grab something quick.

With my hood up and sunglasses on I must have looked ridiculous and suspicious but I couldn't risk paps seeing me.

Heading inside I look around, there was an old man on aisle 6 grabbing toilet paper and the old lady at the check-out was half asleep by the look of her.

I rush to the health section and find the pregnancy tests I was looking for, reading about them online I knew which was the best and most honest, grabbing a box of three I rush to the check-out where the lady barely spoke let alone look at me, if I were here buying groceries I'd comment on her lack of people skills but right now I was happy for them.

Back in my hotel bathroom I read through the instructions, I know there's really only one way to take a pregnancy test but these were expensive so I wanted to do everything the right way.

Peeing on all three I set a timer and order room service while I wait. I then made my bed, changed back into my pyjamas and tried to think through what I would actually do if I was y'know.. with child.

When my timer on my phone flashed that it was over I stayed frozen in the spot. My phone returned to it's usual background - a photo of Harry and Sienna smiling on the ice rink in New York last year.

"What am I going to do?" I sigh looking at it a little longer before I finally plucked up the courage to stand and head towards my bathroom.

Taking in a deep breath I look down at all three tests and gasp. But I wasn't sure if it was from happiness or shock.

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