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It was during this particular photoshoot when I had to quickly rush off to the toilet to throw up.

It was 8am and we were just about to start shooting when the overwhelming feeling of nausea crept up on me. I told a white lie that I needed the toilet quickly which everyone seemed to believe and accept.

After throwing up four times I wiped my mouth on some tissue before flushing it down and unlocking the door.

Walking out I jump back a little as I notice a concerned looking Samantha standing with her arms crossed. Washing my hands she remains silent.

"Do you.. need the toilet?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Doesn't seem like you did either,"

I frown.

"I heard you throwing up Harper,"

I sigh.

"And I understand that with all this pressure it's not easy to hide things,"

I swallow. "Samantha look-"

"You can get advice, a helping hand.. or even me if you want,"


"But don't do this Harper,"

I frown. "What?"

"Making yourself sick, it's bulimia Harper, a condition that can be helped, just tell me and I can get you the right guidance-"

"I'm pregnant Samantha."

Her mouth drops wide open.

"Pregnant, not bulimic." I breathe.

She stays frozen.

"I know, I was shocked too."

"I mean.." She licks her lips, a confused expression written all over her face. "This is just unexpected,"

"Is it?" I frown. "Harry and I are together, we have been for three years.. it was bound to happen at some point, you think we play scrabble when we're bored?"

Samantha shuts her eyes. "First of all ew and second of all you need to think and plan, you're pregnant, you're going to be having a baby.. you won't be able to do 5am wake ups and 14 hour days for much longer,"

I hadn't really thought about how it would affect work, I mean I had enough money to stop work now and become a full time mum but I love what I do.

I sigh. "It's going to be a bit of a change,"

"I bet Harry's excited, isn't he?"

I look away and bite my lip.

"Harry does know.. right?"

I look down and shake my head, guilty like a child who has been caught stealing from the chocolate cupboard.

"Oh Harper-"

"I know," I shut my eyes, my hand raised telling her I don't want to hear about it. "..I know, I need to tell him."

"Seriously Harper, he needs to know,"

"I know Samantha, trust me I do."

. . .

It has been a couple of weeks since Samantha found out, it was still just her and Kendall who knew.

Every time I tried to tell Harry or plan it he would always be out or busy or in his office.. there was never a right time.

Since the whole kiss and tell story came out, it had really put a wedge between us, I don't know what the wedge was, but there was one there for sure.

I felt lonely in all honesty. Sienna was at school then going to friends, sports, dance.. she didn't need me, she was starting to little by little build her life, this is where it all begins; she'll go to a friends for play time, then it'll be just to hang out, then it'll be to pre-drink, then it'll be to get ready for a huge night out, then.. Harper. You're thinking way too much into it.

I was laying on my side in bed when Harry came in. I didn't have a bump or anything just yet, but I felt heavier.

I turn over after a few minutes, Harry hadn't gotten into bed yet which was strange.

He was stood in the mirror fixing his shirt, a bag by the door. "Going somewhere?"

Instead of turning around he lifts his gaze to me in the mirror. "I'm staying at Niall's."

"Why do you need to fix your shirt if you're going to Niall's?"

"We're going out, lads night."


"Is there a problem?"

I was in no mood for another one of his bitchy attitudes, it's all he'd been giving me recently, and with pregnancy hormones in the mix it wasn't easy to deal with.

"Why would there be a problem?" I ask, calm as ever.

"You seem to find a problem in everything,"

I wasn't sure if I should have felt hurt or angry, remarks like these were the reason I was keeping this whole pregnant thing quiet for now. If he has a problem with me, imagine what he would be like if I unloaded another problem onto him.

"I haven't done anything," I reply.

"I never said you did, sweetheart."

The way he said sweetheart wasn't loving in the slightest, it made my teeth clench, my fist tighten.

"You seem to be the one with the problem, and I suggest you sort it out Harry because if you don't, you'll only be facing more."

He scoffs picking up his bag. "Whatever that means-"

"That means," I cut him off, he turns to face me, his expression bored, as if he's bored of me. "If you really want to act like this Harry, don't think I won't hesitate to up and leave. Find somewhere new."

He swallows as he pulls his bag higher, with his mouth open I thought he would say something but instead he walked out.

I didn't think I would cry about it because Harry and I argue a lot, but this particular time I did cry.

I cried until I fell asleep, but then around 5am I woke to throw up which resulted in more crying because I was alone, and even though I didn't have to be, who says Harry would even want it in the end if right now he didn't even want me?

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