Twenty Seven

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- Three Weeks Later -


Packed and ready myself, Harry and Sienna headed for Heathrow Airport, today is the day.

Today, we fly to LA.

I wasn't really sure how I felt, there was a mixture of emotions. I mean how are you supposed to feel?

"You okay?" Harry had been nothing but a great support during the whole thing.

The past three weeks we had both really grown together again, we had a stronger bond and I knew that this would be our forever.

"I'm.. trying to figure out how I feel,"

I had finished therapy sessions, in total I did around ten, but she always told me to return if I had any more issues.

But for now, I think I'm good.

The plane takes off and Sienna falls to sleep, Harry listens to music and I try to watch a film, but you know when you're in that mood where nothing distracts you? Not a good book, film or even food are able to distract my mind.

. . .

When we landed I already felt my stomach tighten, this was real.. this was happening.

Harry drove us to his place, we were going to rent somewhere near to Calabasas but I didn't see the point in spending money when he has a perfectly nice place already.

Sienna was full of energy but I however was not, I'm not great at sleeping on planes and I only managed to get around three hours.

We change, freshen up and head out for food. I emailed Florence to tell her we have landed and we're safe, and she emailed back with a 'Yay, welcome!' And an abundance of smileys. She also told me how excited they all were for us to head over tomorrow, we arranged lunch at their house.

"Can we go in the pool mummy?" Sienna asks once we finish eating.

I nod and we get into our swimsuits. We play tig in the pool, I was always the loser, Harry then built Sienna's confidence in diving.

It was lovely to watch their bond together, as if they were blood related almost. Jaison hasn't been in contact in two years, last I heard he moved to Spain to work on cruise ships. I couldn't care less, but at least he was doing something with his life.

I lay on a float as Sienna swims with her arm-bands. I look up to see Harry standing with a cocktail glass in his hand. "For you - it's juice but I thought the glass would make you feel fancy,"

I laugh reaching to take it. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

"I'm nervous for tomorrow," I admit as he sits on the pool edge.

"I know, but it'll be fine - I promise. I'll be there,"

"We leave if I'm not happy?"

"Say the word and we'll go,"

"I'm sure that's a song lyric,"

Harry laughs. "Yeah, probably."

We both relax quietly, Sienna throwing the ball to Harry and he throwing it back.

"Have you spoke to.. Helena?" Harry asks hesitantly.

I shake my head. "Not for weeks. I spoke to Saffron briefly last week, I never spoke to Archie much anyway but with her.. it'll take time, she has a lot to answer for and I'm not ready yet."

"Have you forgiven her?"

I shrug. "I sometimes think I have, but then something happens or I think about something and I don't think I have,"

"But you have to remember she is the one who brought you up, she was there for you,"

He's right.

"I know, that's why I'm confused as to whether I've forgiven her yet," I admit.

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