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"So Harper, how long have you known you've been pregnant?"

I swallow, "Around a month now,"

The doctor nods, Samantha had booked me in to have my first check-up.

"And how are you feeling in yourself?"

I shrug. "Okay, morning sickness but no cravings yet."

She nods asking me to lie down as she starts to place the jelly onto my stomach.

She starts to watch the screen as do I, she points towards what looks like a white circle. "There's your baby. You're seven weeks pregnant so, nearly two months."

I swallow. "Wow,"

"Is the father aware.."

I shake my head as she smiles kindly.

"That's okay, you just have to tell him when you're ready,"

The rest of the appointment was pretty boring, filling in paper work, printing off scans and booking my next appointment. She also spoke to me about pregnancy issues but I already knew them from when I had Sienna, the last thing I wanted right now was to think about what could happen during my pregnancy.

I headed back into town and to my mums, she told me she had something to talk to me about. For my mum this is weird as she usually just tells me on the phone.

Harry was over in LA for a week, after last week we really needed to be away from each other so he decided he'd go and catch up with Cal and Jezoff and let me have some space. I didn't think it was necessary, there's already too much space between us when he's beside me in bed nevermind nine hours behind half way across the world.

"I'm here," I announce walking into my mums and kicking off my shoes.

I hear hushed words before my mum appears, my sister behind, my brother behind her.

"What's the occasion?" I frown throwing my bag down.

My mums smile wasn't genuine, I knew it wasn't. I followed her and my siblings back into the kitchen where we all sat down.

"What's going on?" I ask, suddenly aware of the awkward tension.

"I.. I need to tell you something," My mum confesses.

My heart sank, I had no idea what she was going to tell me, but I knew I wouldn't like it just by her tone and my siblings expressions.

"What?" I felt my heart begin to beat faster, my hands shake a little.

"I.. I don't know how I even start this," My mum shakes her head and wipes a tear. Saffron comforts her and I feel as if everyone knew something except me.

"Are you okay?" I panic.

"Yes, I'm fine.. it's not me.. it's you," She finally answers.

I was a little stunned about this. Me? What about me? "Me?"

"Who I'm worried about,"

I frown. "This is making no sense mum,"

She sighs before taking in a deep breath, she sniffs and takes my hands looking me straight in the eyes. "You know I love you more than anything in this world, right?" My mum pleads. "You and your siblings,"

I nod. "Of course mum,"

She shuts her eyes as if she's about to cry, her bottom lip trembling slightly. "I just.."

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