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Today marked a month exactly since I lost the baby. It felt like any other day, but it felt wrong to me, wrong that I was treating it like any other day.

Kendall arrived a few days ago, I don't know if she wanted to come or if Harry had asked her to.

"Shall we go to the spa?" She smiled pouring some breakfast.

Something that I has realised whilst she has been here was that I got out of bed, ate more and I was happy to have conversation.


She nods, "We can both be really girly for the day,"

"Does this mean you've already booked a spa for us and you want me to say yes otherwise you r wasted money?" I smirk eating some granola.

"Maybe, perhaps.. yes," She answers shyly.

I roll my eyes. "Of course we can go,"

. . .

I was in heaven, we'd had a hot stones massage, a mud wrap and now we were sat in the steam room. I had to be careful because of my ankle, it was repaired and out of cast, but I still had to wear support for four more weeks.

Kendall and I had had a great time so far, we'd caught up on life, she told me about a guy she was dating and I talked about how distant Harry and I had become.

"You know what you should do?" Kendall wiggled her eyebrows.


"You should surprise him, make him dinner, dress really sexy, then take him upstairs and have the best sex of your life."

"I don't like using sex as a way to get close, because after it.. what do you really have?"

Kendall rolls her eyes. "You're boring,"

I shrug. "Maybe I am,"

. . .

When I arrived home Harry was sat at the kitchen table, he said hi to us both and I gave him a kiss.

"I'm meeting Kim in London tonight because she and Kanye are here for a little bit, you want to come?"

I shake my head. "I'm okay, I'll give you the spare key,"


When Kendall left it was just Harry and I, Sienna was at athletics until 6:30.

"Babe, I need to talk to you,"

I sit across from Harry who sighed as he looked at me.

"Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head. "Not necessarily.."

"What is it? What's happened?"

"I.. I spoke to your doctor last week and I asked about therapy and help,"

My face drops at the mention. "W-why?"

"I think therapy would be good for you-"


"Harper, you're going through a tough time, you-"

"I'm fine, I'm okay, I went out with Kendall, I'm fine."

"You're not fine Harper,"

"I am, I'm okay. You're doing this because you feel sorry for me,"

"No, I'm doing this because it's what's best for you,"

I roll my eyes.

"I love you Harper but you need to talk to someone, please"

I looked at his pleading face and I couldn't really say no. "Fine," I give in. "Five sessions and if I don't like it I'll stop,"

He but his lip and I knew he wasn't happy with it but he knew he wouldn't be able for argue. "Deal,"

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