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The week passed fairly uneventful by Borderland standards.

I never stayed for more than three days in the same place, I slept and ate where it happened, taking provisions every now and then. I also had a tent for emergencies and luckily I'd never needed it until now because the only one left in the shop where I took it, was one that required assembly; not the easy ones that you throw and they open by themselves and well, I already said that logic isn't my cup of tea, haven't I?

The house where I was now had a swimming pool and the water was reasonably clean, so I decided to take a "bath" before heading to my next Game.

I really hoped to see the girl with the dreads again, but the chances were slim, yet I didn't give up hope. Sooner or later, it happened to see someone who you'd met in other Games, if they were still alive of course.

I put on black leggings and a long black hoodie (with the hood up over my head). I put on the sneakers that had accompanied me on this tragic adventure and set off in search of a Game Arena.

I found one a few blocks from where I was. The Arena was in a very large apartment complex so it could have been any type of Game.

Please, don't be Diamonds. Up until now, luck seemed to have been on my side as I hadn't played a logic Game yet, and I was very much hoping not to lose that advantage today.

I went in and grabbed a cell phone.

I stood in a corner and watched the others, as I always did before the Game began. When I looked in front of me my eyes widened: the boy in the white hoodie was leaning against the wall and was listening to music. He was staring at the floor and didn't notice me, so I decided to use that to my advantage; I lifted my hood higher and never looked at him.

Last time he had saved me, but I still didn't know what Game this was and I'm pretty sure if it was another Game of Hearts, he would surely have sacrificed me to save his own skin, this time. And I sure would have done the same.

Here too was a new boy; he wore a blue hat and immediately asked the two guys who just got there, what the Games were. They were both pretty tall; one had a grey sweatshirt and the other, probably his friend, had blond hair and a flowered shirt.

The explanation, however, came from a man with a mustache and a hat. Then the metallic voice spoke.

Difficulty: 5 of Spades

Game: Tag

Rules: Avoid whoever is "it". Clear condition: discover and touch the symbol hidden in one of the building's rooms within the time limit. You clear the Game when this objective is fulfilled.

Time limit: 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the time bomb hidden in the building will explode.

People began to scatter around the floors. I joined two of them, so the boy in the white hoodie wouldn't see me. Before going up the stairs, I noticed that he too was wearing the hood over his head. I think we had the same idea regarding the blending in, but the color of his hoodie was definitely wrong for that purpose.

Although, I have to say that he managed to blend in all the same. I just wanted to know how he did it. But that's enough, I had to focus.

The two boys I was following, went to the third floor, while I kept going up to the last one. My strategy was to watch from above what would happen, since I didn't know exactly what the voice meant by "It", but for sure it wasn't anything good.

I ran down the long corridor and looked for a spot with a view of the rest of the building, which fortunately for us, had open corridors with all the doors in full view, if you knew where to go.

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