23-The Jack of Clubs

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The following morning, we woke up with smiles on our faces. We both had that look, the one of someone who's aware that the relationship had just become serious.

We kept smiling and everything seemed different, as if the anxiety and uncertainty of that world, had turned into lightness and light-heartedness. It was like floating in the air, and it was wonderful.

We spent all day and the rest of the week doing normal things, like any other couple would; such as going for walks, pick-nicking under the stars, talking for hours about the future and how it would be a shared adventure, and so on.

However, we were still in Borderland, so we also spent some time training, both physically and logically, and Chishiya revealed some of his tricks to me.

The new Visas (for the face cards) lasted for a week, so we had plenty of time to decide which Game to play next and how to prepare. In the end, we decided that we would go to the Jack of Clubs, hoping to find the others.

Those seven days were the happiest I've spent in that world and pretty often, both me and Chishiya, forgot where we actually were, since we were so radiant and euphoric.

"It seems incredible that a week has passed already." I said, as we returned from a shop, having stocked up on some clothes and supplies.


We walked down the street holding hands, with the calmness of a couple on their honeymoon instead of two guys about to go to yet another deadly Game.

"All this is absurd." I laughed.

"No." Chishiya kissed my cheek. "I'd say it's perfect. We're just taking advantage of the calm before the storm."

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled at him.

We arrived at what had been our home for a week, changed into new clothes, and then started tearing down the tent.

This time, each of us was back to wearing hoodie of our personal signature colour, but sharing half of heart with the other.

Once we were ready, we started making our way to the Jack of Clubs' Arena.

"If they aren't even here, I really have no idea where they can be." I said, alluding to where our friends might be. We'd been looking for them all week, but still hadn't found them.

"We'll find out soon enough." Chishiya reassured me. "But I have to admit, it wasn't a bad thing to have my girlfriend all to myself for a while." He made one of his smirks. Now, when he said it out loud, his tone was different, he was more confident and aware that what we had created, was solid and real.

"Yeah. Let's just say there were positive sides too in being alone." I returned the smirk.

Chishiya started kissing me and after a few moments, we were already out of breath.

"We have to..." I said, reluctantly pulling away. "We have to stay focused."

"I know, but I find it very difficult." Chishiya admitted.

"Who are you? What did you do with the Chishiya I used to know?" I teased him and he laughed.

"I think Kuina wouldn't stop making jokes, if she was here." I said smiling and then frowning, not knowing what had happened to my friend.

Chishiya stroked my cheek. "Surely, she would tell us that we are acting like a newly wed couple."

Those words spoken by Chishiya (he, who had been the insensitive, selfish one who never let his emotions leak) were really too much and I burst into a liberating laugh. I laughed so much that tears came to my eyes; he laughed too and for a few minutes we were unable to speak.

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