35-A new life

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We joined the others at the table, then started chatting.

"I had a good idea, right?!" Kuina whispered to me.

"You risked your best friend ending up in the ER, but yeah." I whispered back.

"I always thought short hair would look better on him." Kuina continued, still in a low voice. "But try to get that expression off your face, it looks like you want to jump on him at any moment." She laughed.

Then, she leaned towards me, to whisper to Chishiya, who was sitting at my other side. "Chishiya, don't drool too much! Between you and your girlfriend, I don't know who's the worst."

All three of us burst out laughing.

Dinner went by nicely and the food was delicious.

"So, you two are going to the Maldives?" Kuina asked Arisu and Usagi, who looked very happy.

"Yes." Usagi answered, smiling at Arisu.

"We leave in two days." Arisu said. "And what about you?"

"I'm going to rest for a while longer, then I've decided that I'm going to go back to university to study fashion." Kuina winked at me. "It's never too late to learn, is it?"

"I am very happy for you." Usagi told her.

"And you two guys?" Arisu asked me and Chishiya.

"We bought a house together..." Chishiya began.

"What?!" Kuina was in shock. "And when did you think you were going to tell me?!"

"Now, I guess?" I looked at Chishiya and he and I both laughed.

"It's no laughing matter." Kuina scolded us.

"It's a pretty big step." Arisu said.

"Yes well, it didn't make sense to continue having two flats and live in only one." Chishiya looked at me. "So, we decided to get a house together."

"It's a beautiful thing guys." Usagi smiled at us.

"Of course, once we've finished furnishing it, you're all welcome." I said, looking at Kuina. "Are you still angry?"

"No, if you promise me we'll have a full-blown sleepover, complete with a proper pillow fight, I might forgive you." She smiled at me.

"I'd say we can do that." I smiled back at her.

Chishiya, Usagi and Arisu looked at us puzzled.

"We improvised one in Borderland, one night." Kuina explained. "But we must take part in this one all together!" Her enthusiasm made everyone laugh.

"Well, in six months, we're moving to LA for a year and a half, for work." Chishiya resumed the speech.

"I didn't know anything about it!" Kuina protested again.

"There hasn't been time, but don't worry, it'll be only for a year and a half." I smiled at her.

"What job is it?" Usagi asked.

"I'll be assistant director to Adam Hills, the director I worked with before I ended up in Borderland, while-"

"Wait, you work in the film industry?" Arisu interrupted me.

"Yes." I smiled at him.

"Cool!" Arisu looked really happy.

"Arisu, let her finish." Usagi told him, looking at him softly.

"Right, sorry." Arisu looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"While Chishiya will be the second assistant of the DoP." I added, looking at my boyfriend.

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