18-The King of Spades

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The next day at 11.45 a.m. we were already at the crossing. The wait was unnerving.Kuina sat down on the floor; I stood next to Chishiya. I had too much adrenaline in my system to sit down.

Minutes passed, then a full hour. The NEXT STAGE START sign was still on the screen, as if making fun of us.

"None of the Games have started yet." Arisu said.

"Maybe we still have time." Usagi said.

"Or they forgot to push the big red start button." Chishiya said, with his usual humor.

I tried not to laugh and he noticed, so he smiled at me.

"They didn't even tell us about the rules for this one." Kuina said..

"Well, we already know the essential one." I said.

"What do you mean?" Arisu asked me.

"I mean, that we either survive, or we die. Pretty simple." I said, sarcastically.

This time it was Chishiya who held back a laugh, only partially succeeding, and we both started laughing.

"You two have some serious problems." Kuina told us, but she was smiling too.

In Borderland there were three things to do: you either played down the situation with humor, or you fell into a depression, or you became insensitive and selfish. And I had experienced all the three phases.

"I was just trying to ease this tension." I said.

Usagi started looking around.

"What is it?" Kuina asked her.

"I hear something." She replied to her, coming up close to me and Chishiya and looking straight ahead.

In fact, I thought I heard a strange noise too. Kuina and Arisu also approached.

We saw cars arriving.

"They're alive. Beach people." Kuina said.

They stopped and people got out, all ex-Beach members.

"What is this?" A man asked.

"What are you doing here?" Arisu asked, walking towards them.

"We saw the blimps show up."

"There are rumors that the next stage is starting." A woman in a yellow sweatshirt added.

"Right...Here's the thing-" Arisu was interrupted by a shot that killed the man in front of him; then another hit the woman, followed by a flurry of more shots aimed at us.

"A rifle." Chishiya said, with his hands in his pockets. "Get moving."

I was in a bit of shock, but it only lasted a few seconds. The others started running to hide, while Chishiya backed away calmly, still with his hands in his pockets. I stayed close to him, but my legs were eager to spring.

"That thing's an anti-tank rifle." He said. "So I'd forget about hiding behind a car." He continued as someone got into a car and was shot down.

"Very interesting, but we're moving now." I told him, pulling him by the arm and forcing him to run.

We joined the others behind a wall.

"Does this mean the Game's started?" Kuina asked.

"I don't know." Chishiya replied, looking back.

"Did they give us any rules?" Kuina said again.

"Without rules, this is just a massacre!" Arisu said.

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