13-On the roof

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Niragi kept getting closer, while I walked away.

How I wished I had my knives or my gun.

"You can't escape." He said to me, getting closer.

"Leave me alone."

"Oh, I will." Now he was in front of me, he put a strand of hair behind my ear. "After we've had fun."

I felt like throwing up and I didn't know what to do; my body felt paralyzed.

He lifted my face with one hand and lean in to kiss me and that was enough to wake me up.

My first kiss wouldn't have been like this, it wouldn't have been a constraint nor an obligation on the part of any asshole.

I looked him straight in the eye and kicked him between the legs.

"Bitch!" He screamed.

I took the opportunity to escape, but he chased me. He grabbed my arm and forced me to turn around. "And I wanted to do it the good way, but now you've changed my mind."

I freed myself from his grip and he slapped me.

"You really are a mood breaker. I don't understand what Chishiya sees in someone like you, but now that I'm sure he likes you, I'll have fun with you just to spite him."

He gave me a hard push and I fell to the ground, hitting my head.

He was on top of me within seconds and had started undoing his belt.

I struggled, trying to free myself, but to no avail. Niragi blocked my legs with his, while he keept my arms still. He squeezed my wrists with his hands, so hard that I was sure it would have left the marks.

He lowered his face to my collarbone, but before he could do anything, he was violently pushed by Chishiya who had appeared out of nowhere.

"You bastard!" He yelled at him and stood in front of me, to protect me.

"Well, well." Niragi scoffed. "The bear came out of his cave."

"Get out of here Niragi." Chishiya had an imperative tone I've never heard before.

"I'm not leaving, sorry." Niragi continued, approaching again. "Your girlfriend and I were in the middle of something."

"I didn't think you were deaf, as well as stupid." Chishiya answered him, returning to his calm tone, which in that circumstance sounded even more dangerous.

In the meantime, I got up and Chishiya kept me behind him, shielding me.

Then, everything happened very quickly: Niragi came up and punched Chishiya in the face; not expecting it, he staggered and Niragi took advantage of that loss of balance to kick him in the stomach.

This time it was I who got in the way, and the next kick got me, in the side, followed by another shove that threw me back to the ground.

Niragi laughed, while Chishiya crouched. "Jen.." He said clutching his belly.

Niragi approached him and kicked him again and soon Chishiya was down as well.

"Now I understand what you find in each other." Niragi flashed his wicked smile. "You are two milksoaps."

He then grabbed Chishiya by the shoulder and punched his nose, making it bleed.

For a moment, it was as if I was watching the scene in slow motion: Chishiya on the ground and Niragi getting the better of it.

I was bruised and my body protested at the slightest movement, but I ignored it.

Niragi hit Chishiya again, but this time he managed to deflect the punch.

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