16-Witch hunt, part 2

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Me and Chishiya went back to the hall, stopping in the hallway of the higher floor, hiding behind a pillar.

Remaining time: 15 minutes.

"What do we do now?" I asked him in a low voice, placing my backpack on the ground.

"We use the same strategy we used for Tag."

"You mean, we'll wait for something to happen?"


"But there's only 15 minutes left." I pointed it out to him.

"A lot can happen in 15 minutes." He looked at me, to reassure me. "You'll see that Ann will sort it out."

"I hope, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." I was worried and for the first time, I had no ideas. "And what about Kuina?" I was worried about her too.

"She can handle it." Chishiya answered me.

I knew he was right, but that didn't stop me from worrying about her.

"I really have no idea who the witch might be." I said after a while. "I had thought of Niragi at first but for as bloodthirsty as he was, that was unlikely. Or any of the Militant Corps..."

"But it's too obvious." Chishiya finished for me. "Try to stay calm, you'll see that we'll find out soon enogh."

"You also have no ideas, apart from executives?"

"No." He told me. "And that was just a way to distract Niragi."

So I was right to think so.

"I think the solution is far more complicated." Chishiya looked relaxed, leaning against the pillar as he gazed at the chaos below.

He noticed me staring at him. "Sometimes you'll have to explain to me how you always keep calm in the most chaotic situations." I told him.

He smiled at me, then we both just watched what happened, sticking close to each other. I think that contact was a way to give each other strength and security... and it worked.

After a while, Aguni and his minions came and held people at gunpoint.

"Kill 'em all." I heard him say.

Some of the boys seemed to hesitate, then Aguni kicked one of them, knocking him to his knees.

"Did you hear me?" He aimed the gun at his head. "Anyone who defies me here is the witch."

"Just shoot me then!" The boy pleaded.

"That's enough!" It was Arisu's voice. So he had managed to escape.

I saw him arrive, supported by Usagi and Tatta. Thank goodness they were fine too.

"This ends now!" Tatta exclaimed.

Chishiya and I watched the scene. I wanted to say something but he put his index finger to his lips, signaling me not to speak.

" You...you had me tied up the whole. When the murder happened, that's where I was." Arisu said, limping towards Aguni.

He was in bad shape and had blood on his face; surely he had been beaten. I felt terribly guilty.

"So that means that you know that...that I can't be the witch." Arisu resumed. "And if you aren't the witch, you don't need to kill me." Arisu kept looking at Aguni as he spoke. "Just work with me, and we'll find the witch."

Aguni walked towards him, then used his gun to hit Arisu's nose, followed by a kick that sent him to the floor.

"Arisu!" yelled Usagi.

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