12-The party

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Chishiya and I went upstairs to change.

After it was my turn to take a shower, I put on my one-piece swimsuit and decided to tie the sarong around my neck, crossing it and making it become a sort of dress. I also decided to let my hair down.

When I came out of the bathroom, Chishiya's eyes widened. "Do you wanna kill me?"

I laughed. "No, it's just that this way it covers me a little more."

He didn't have time to say anything because Kuina burst into the room.

She whistled looking at me and I incinerated her with a gaze, as Chishiya said "Kuina, will you ever learn to knock?"

"Right, I'd better keep that in mind now that you two are peanut butter and jelly."

"Kuina!" This time, I was the one to scold her.

"It's the truth. And when two people get together, you know..." She continued, but I pushed her out of the room preventing her from finishing the sentence.

Were Chishiya and I together? I wasn't sure. We were still in that limbo between "I like you" and "we're a couple".

I turned to look at him and saw he was shaking his head and smiling.

We made our way to the bar/disco room. I had never been a fan of parties and loud music and I didn't like to drink; but that evening I decided to do something new and with Kuina and Chishiya, I thought I might have enjoyed it too.

As we went down the stairs, I thought back to what Kuina had said "It's the truth. And when two people get together, you know..." and I found myself blushing. Luckily, Chishiya was behind me and he didn't notice.

I heard the music even before we entered the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chishiya asked me, getting closer to me.

"Actually not." I answered whispering. "But if we don't, Kuina won't ever speak to us again."

We entered the disco room, where the intermittent neon lights made that environment even more chaotic than it already was.

There were tons of people, some talking, some sitting on the sofas and some drinking at the bar.

To say I felt uncomfortable was an understatement.

I found a free sofa and went to sit down; Chishiya joined me soon after, while Kuina watched us with her hands on her hips.

"Seriously?" She said.

"What?" Chishiya replied.

"I said we were to party, not that we were to come here to sit!"

"If you expect me to go to the dance floor, you misunderstood." Chishiya replied. "And I think Jen thinks the same."

I nodded.

"Ugh, how boring you two are!" Kuina complained. "At least let's go get a drink. Jen come with me."

I got up and followed her to the bar area, while Chishiya rolled his eyes and waited for us at the little sofa.

We pushed our way through the crowd and reached the counter.

"What can I give you girls?" Asked the blond guy from the bar.

I was about to reply with a soft drink, but Kuina ordered three Sex On the Beach, whatever they were. I didn't know anything about cocktails.

"It's time for you to let yourself loose." She winked at me and took two glasses.

I took mine and followed her back to the little sofa.

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