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When I returned to the Shibuya crossing, Chishiya was still alive and exactly where I'd left him.

Niragi was regaining consciousness in that very moment.

I went to sit next to Chishiya.

"Hey." He told me.

"I see you kept your promise." I smiled at him.

"Yes, I'm holding on." He looked at me. "And now we really have a chance to leave. Arisu and Usagi have gone to complete the Game of the Queen of Hearts."

I looked around and only then, I did realize that the King of Spades' blimp had fallen.

"They defeated him then." I sighed sadly.

"Didn't you notice?"

"No." I looked into his eyes. "Chishiya, Kuina is..."

"She'll make it, she's tough." Chishiya brushed my hair away from my face.

"So, this is hell." Niragi said. "I'm stuck here with these two."

My eyes became slits. "If I hear him one more-"

"Shh." Chishiya squeezed my hand.

"So, we're stuck here until the Queen of Hearts falls." Niragi continued. "I guess Arisu and Usagi went there in the end."

"Yeah." Chishiya answered him.

"Since we all have to wait together, we can tell our stories."

"I'm not talking to you". I gave him a look that would incinerate anything. "And be grateful that I no longer want to kill you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I prefer to see you suffer and die slowly."

"I guess I deserve it." I never expected to hear those words coming out of Niragi's mouth.

Chishiya and I exchanged a surprised look.

"I haven't always been like this, you know?" He looked at us.

"I find that very hard to believe." I answered him.

"Your boyfriend isn't a saint either, by the way." Niragi continued. "He killed a lot of people to save his own skin too."

"Well, at least he never directly shot anyone." I defended him. "Unlike you, who kill just for the sake of it."

"Jen, breathe." Chishiya whispered to me.

"He really gets on my nerves." I looked at Chishiya. "Should I throw another bottle at his head, what do you say?"

"I hear you, you know. I haven't gone deaf yet." Niragi said, sarcastically.

"Then shut up. It's bad enough just sitting here waiting not knowing what's going on, I don't need you as a background's noise as well."

"Why didn't you go with Arisu and Usagi then?!" Niragi provoked me.

"Because I don't leave my boyfriend here alone with a bloodthirtshy lunatic." I snapped at him.

"I can't even get up." Niragi laughed, spitting more blood. "Plus, you took my gun away from me, remember?"

"I don't care, I don't have to justify myself to you."

"No, you don't." Chishiya squeezed my hand. "Thanks for not leaving me."

"Until the end, remember?" I gave him with a knowing look.

"Until the end."

Chishiya seemed to have recovered a bit and this gave me hope.

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