28-The shooting

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When I opened my eyes, it took me a couple of seconds to remember where I was and that Chishiya was really next to me.

He was still sleeping; his chest rose and fell in regular rhythms and the sunlight drew the shadows of his eyelashes on his face, which had never been so relaxed. I was enchanted by watching him, until he woke up.

"Hey." He smiled at me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I joked.

"Interesting...so you think I'm handsome."

"Do you want me to tell you that you are ugly?" I laughed.

Chishiya laughed too. "My girlfriend is beautiful too."

"Really? And where would she be?" I pretended to look around.

"You silly!" He took my face and kissed me and I reciprocated, maybe a little too hard. "Hey, calm down lioness!"

"Sorry, but I really missed you." I found myself blushing.

"Me too, and do you know that you are even more beautiful when you blush?" He teased me.

"Chishiya!" I covered my face with my hands, feeling like I was on fire. "Now, for sure I look like a tomato."

He gently took my hands with his and pulled them away from my face.

We got lost in each other's eyes; our souls were linked and now that they had found each other, they were contemplating one another in a silence full of peace and love.

A smile crept onto both our faces, which radiated to our eyes, brightening them even more.

"I can't believe how lucky I was to find you." I told him. "If I hadn't ended up in Borderland, we'd probably never have met."

"I'm not so sure, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"That what we feel for each other is too..." I saw his lips tighten as he thought about the right expression. "Powerful and unique. I believe we were meant to meet." He smiled at me. "Only that it happened in an absurd circumstance."

"You know, I really think you're right." I returned the smile. "However, we can say that in the misfortune of being in this world, we were lucky enough to bump into each other."

"And I also think that both of us have been proven that love at first sight really exists." Chishiya took my hands in his. "When we exchanged that look during the 7 of Hearts, my heart skipped three beats I think, and since then I haven't stopped thinking about you; or rather, I tried, but without success."

"The same thing happened to me." I squeezed his hands. "I promised myself I wouldn't feel emotions as long as I was in Borderland, then one day you showed up and poof, my plans went up in smoke." I laughed and he joined me.

"Who would have thought it, huh?" He said, now his gaze was on my lips.

"Who would have thought it?" I repeated, leaning forward without even realizing it.

Chishiya kissed me gently, then pulled away and looked at me as if studying all the details of my face.

"Wanna have breakfast?" He asked me after a while.


A little while later, we were sitting at the kitchen table, eating biscuits and drinking juice.

"So, Ann and Kuina are going to the King of Spades." Chishiya thought aloud. "I think all the Players left will go there too. Especially Arisu and Usagi, if they are still alive."

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