31-Accept or Decline

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"I want, to turn it down. I think." Chishiya said. "What are you gonna say?" He asked Niragi.

"I decline." Niragi said.

"I decline too." And I held Chishiya close to me; he rested his head on my shoulder.

We waited a few minutes, then half an hour, then an hour and still nothing had happened.

"So what?! You leave us here to die assholes?!" Niragi yelled at the sky.

As soon as he finished speaking, we heard a noise in the distance.

"Maybe something's happening." I said looking up at the sky too.

The noise got louder and louder and we soon figured out what was causing it: helicopters. I saw about fifteen of them and one was lowering near where we were.

The three of us covered our ears with our hands. The air that rose, mixed with dust, forced me to close my eyes.

Slowly, the helicopters' blades stopped spinning and it came to a complete stop. Then, we saw people getting off, dressed in dark blue overalls and with a mask over their eyes.

They approached us and my heart started pounding.

Were they here to save us or to kill us?

I couldn't find my gun anymore, so I would use my own body to defend myself and to protect Chishiya. I stood up and stood in front of him.

"Jen, what are you doing?" Chishiya asked me weakly.

"I protect you."

The people were four in total, and by now they were a just few meters away from us.

Niragi coughed and spat blood once again.

"The two guys on the ground won't be a problem." The one who must have been the team leader said. "It's the girl we have to worry about."

Yes exactly; if you're thinking to hurt my boyfriend, you'll have to go through me first.

My hands clenched into fists and my feet were anchored to the floor, but ready to spring.

"Izumo! Eiko! Get Niragi." The leader ordered . "Shiko, you have to help me with Jen and Chishiya."

How did these guys know our names?

"Who are you? And what do you want from us?" I asked, fists still raised.

I saw two people take Niragi by the arms.

"Let me go assholes!" He insulted them.

I saw one of the two pull out a syringe and stick it into Niragi's neck, and he fell asleep almost instantly. After that, they grabbed him by weight and carried him towards the helicopter.

The leader approached, with his assistant beside him.

"Jen, don't make it any harder." The leader told me.

"Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name?"

"Put those fists down, please."

"Jen..." Chishiya was about to get up, but he couldn't so he fell back to the floor.

"Chishiya!" I turned for a moment to look at him and that little distraction, was used by them to get closer; but my reflexes were still active and I started hitting them with some karate moves.

The assistant was down after two well placed kicks.

"I knew it was going to be a tough day at the end." The leader snorted.

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