19-At the swimming pool

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The pool was huge and the water was still very clear; it certainly wouldn't have been like taking a hot shower, but it would still have been nice.

I placed my clothes and towel on a bench by the pool and Chishiya did the same.

I could finally get that blood off my body and I was incredibly happy at the thought.

I walked towards the poolside and was about to take off my tank top, when I suddenly froze, remembering that I no longer had my one piece swimsuit underneath, but just my slips and bra.

Chishiya didn't have all these problems because I saw him take off his clothes and stay in his boxer (please, don't give me a heart attack), then he dived, splashing me.

When he resurfaced, he looked at me. "Well? Aren't you coming?"

In fact, he had already seen me in a bikini at the Beach, but now I was in my underwear. And underwear was not the same thing. Luckily, it was all black, sober and very, very opaque.

"C-coming." I stammered, as I walked back to the bench and took a deep breath.

Jen, he's your boyfriend bloody hell, stop acting like that. You were on the brink of death just a few hours ago and now you're scared of letting your boyfriend see you in your underwear?

I shrugged off my insecurities and took off my clothes; I let my hair down and dived in the pool too.

The sensation of the water on the skin was indescribable, it was like being reborn. The blood started to go away and I started rubbing my face and the other places where it had become dry, with my hands.

When I finally took it all off, I turned to look at Chishiya who was standing motionless looking at me.

"What?" I asked him. "What's so interesting?"

I didn't listen to his answer and I dived, starting to swim underwater. The silence and peace was total and my heartbeat slowed, tuning in to the calmness of the water.

When I came back up for air, I realized I'd gotten to the other side of the pool; so I swam freestyle and came back to a strangely surprised Chishiya.

The water where we were was shallower and it was shoulders-height.

I approached him. "I did synchronized swimming when I was younger."

"I was actually trying to figure out where you learned to hold your breath for so long." He smiled at me and came closer. "You really are full of surprises."

*Alexa play Something Just Like This by Chainsmokers&Coldplay* (min 1.59-end)

Our noses touched and soon our lips too; before Chishiya could hold me closer, I pulled away and backed away. I looked at him, defiantly, and started to splash him.

"You want war, huh?" He told me, starting to splash me back.

We started swimming and splashing each other, laughing and occasionally stopping to catch our breath.

I saw that in a corner of the pool there was a pool float: I got out of the water and went to get it. After inflating it a bit, I picked it up and jumped back into the water on top of it, creating a big wave that washed over Chishiya.

I heard him cough, so maybe he had drunk some water. I went over to see if he was okay and that traitor pulled my arm, making me fall off the pool float.

I splashed him. "You want to steal my preacious, huh?" I said, going back to sticking to the pool float.

Chishiya grabbed my feet. "And who said it's yours?"

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