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The following morning, we were taken to the canteen, a large room with big windows, that looked directly onto the internal garden.

Chishiya and I were the last to arrive and as soon as we entered, Kuina started running towards us and squeezed us both in a hug.

"You're alive!" She said when she pulled away. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Kuina." I looked at her; she seemed to have made a full recovery. "How are you?"

"Very good." She took my arm and led me to the table where Usagi and Arisu were. Chishiya followed us. "I was dying when they brought me here, but I'm fine now."

"Hi guys." Arisu greeted us, as soon as we sat down.

"How are you?" Usagi asked us.

"We're fine." Chishiya and I said in chorus.

"Where are the others?" I looked around, but among the other people sitting at the tables, I didn't recognize anyone.

"Ann and Aguni are still under observation." Kuina explained to me, as she grabbed some rice.

"They'll be sending them home in two weeks." Arisu added.

"Home." Usagi said. "Do you believe it? Finally, we'll go back to a normal life."

"Seems incredible." I said, grabbing something to eat from the center of the table.

"Where's Niragi?" Chishiya asked.

"Under surgery." Kuina answered him, with her mouth full. "Apparently curing those burns takes a while."

We finished breakfast calmly, catching up on what had happened to us and sharing what we thought of all the absurdities regarding the project B.R.E.A.D.

"I thought they were making fun of me." Kuina said.

"I still wonder how they kept it all a secret." Arisu added.

"And do we want to talk about the card with the Joker?" I took a sip of green tea.

"That was the most unbelievable thing." Arisu told me.

"They planned it all pretty well." Chishiya echoed him.

"How much money do you think is on there?" Kuina asked.

"I have no idea." Usagi replied.

"That means we'll find out when we get to Tokyo." Kuina pushed back her chair a little and sat down on the edge. "I can't wait."

Then, she started staring at me and Chishiya.

"Kuina? What's wrong?" Chishiya asked her.

"Now I get what's different." She answered him. "You don't have your hoodies and seeing you dressed alike really has a strange effect on me. You're too much alike like this." She put particular emphasis on the words too much, then burst out laughing and all of us with her.

"It's actually weird to be dressed identically, don't you think?" I asked the others, who like us, were wearing those light blue clothes.

"A little." Usagi said, smiling.

Our conversation was interrupted by Nakamura who, escorted by two guards, entered the canteen.

"Attention, please." He looked at us, focusing especially on our table. "In ten minutes, you will be assigned to groups of 5 to your private jets, then you'll fly home. On behalf of the Joker association, I wanted to thank you all one last time. From here, our paths part ways and you will no longer hear about us. Goodbye Players."

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