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Madeleine and a group of Aurors, including Theseus and Leta, march up the drive towards Hogwarts castle. Madeleine glances up at the castle. It held many memories. As they enter the castle, students stare at the group who pass through, oblivious. Madeleine spots her sister's son, Damon Sinclair, and winks at him as she passes. It had been a while since she'd seen her sister and her family.
As they make their way to the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, where Dumbledore teaches, Minerva McGonagall runs towards them,
"You are not allowed to be here. This is a school. What is the need for this?!" she shouts, hurrying next to Travers. She continues shouting as they stride along and Madeleine notices the absence of Leta. She frowns, looking around for her old friend with a frown. Her searching is interrupted as the group burst into Dumbledore's class, McGonagall still yelling at Travers.
Madeleine looks around. It was still the same as when she herself had been here as a student. A group of children were in a circle around the outside of the classroom. Dumbledore was in the middle to one side, lent against a desk and a boy was slouched on a couch opposite him. Travers looks around at the students,
"Out of here." He says. Madeleine smiles slightly as nobody moves. The students turn their heads towards Dumbledore.
"Go with Professor McGonagall, please." Dumbledore says. They file out, curious whispers filling the air. The boy that was originally on the couch walks over to Travers,
"He's the best teacher we've got."
"Thanks McLaggen." Dumbledore says, quietly.
"Get out!" Travers says and McGonagall beckons the boy,
"Come, McLaggen." she says and they leave, closing the door behind them. Madeleine moves around the outside of the room, behind the circled Aurors as Travers begins to talk,
"Newt Scamander is in Paris."
"Really?" Dumbledore replies.
"Cut the pretence. I know he's there on your orders."
"If you'd ever had the pleasure to teach him, you'd know Newt is not a great follower of orders." Madeleine smiles again as Travers tosses Dumbledore a book, who catches it. Dumbledore was right, Newt rarely listened to anybody who said no.
"You've read The Predictions of Tycho Dodonus?" Travers asks Dumbledore, pointing at the book.
"Many years ago,"
" 'a son cruelly banished, despair of the daughter return-' "
"Yes, I know it."
"There's a rumour this prediction refers to the Obscurial. They say that Grindlewald wants"Travers begins.
"A highborn henchman. Yes I've heard the rumour." Dumbledore interrupts. Madeleine had too. The Obscurial that Newt had encounter in New York was still alive.
"And yet Scamander appears wherever the Obscurial goes, to protect him. Meanwhile, you have built up quite a little network of international contacts-" Travers starts.
"However long you keep me and my friends under surveillance, you're not going to discover plots against you, Travers, because we want the same thing. The defeat of Grindlewald. But I warn you, your policies of suppression and violence are pushing supporters into his arms-"
"I'm not interested in your warning!" Travers snaps. Madeleine looks up from her slow pace around the room and watches as Travers composes himself quickly before continuing the 'conversation', "Now, it pains me to say it, because, well, I don't like you." Travers and Dumbledore chuckle, "but you are the only wizard who is his equal. I need you to fight him." Silence fills the room and everyone watches for Dumbledore's response.
"I cannot."
"Because of this?" Travers asks. He waves his wand and in the air, moving images of Dumbledore and Grindelwald as teenagers are staring at each other. The Aurors gasp and Madeleine watches on. She was already aware of Dumbledore's operations. He had told her about Newt going to Paris and about the Obscurial. He likes to say she was his 'inner eye' in the Ministry. It was quite funny really. She was aware of all of this already.
"You and Grindelwald were as close as brothers." Travers says.
"We we're closer than brothers." Dumbledore replies, slightly mournfully. He watches the moving pictures of his life. Madeleine continued walking slowly around the classroom and as she past Theseus he put a hand out to stop her. She looked at him as he considered her briefly before taking his eyes away. Madeleine stepped into the circle next to him as he took his hand back.
"Will you fight him?" Travers asks.
"I can't." Dumbledore replies, pained.
"Then you have chosen your side."
With a wave of his wand, Admonitors appears on Dumbledore's wrists.
"From now one, I shall know every spell you cast. I'm doubling the watch on you and you will no longer teach Defence Against the Dark Arts." Travers to Theseus as Dumbledore looks at me with an unreadable expression, "Where's Leta? We need to go to Paris!" Travers storms out and the Aurors follow, Theseus and Madeleine last.
"Theseus, Maddy," Dumbledore says quietly, making them turn around, "Theseus, if Grindelwald calls a rally, don't try and break it up. Don't let Travers send you in there. If you ever trusted me-"
"Theseus! Madeleine!" Travers calls, interrupting Dumbledore. Madeleine glances at Dumbledore before leaving, Theseus behind her.

As the walk the halls, searching for Leta, Theseus turns to the blond.
"What do you know?" He says, slightly accusingly. Madeleine looks at him and then turns away,
"What do you mean?"
"About Dumbledore, about.... Newt."
"As much as you, Theseus." Madeleine replies, looking forward as they walk after the Aurors.
Theseus sighs, taking his eyes from his old friend.
"You do know, I know when your lying, right? I've known you since you were fourteen, Maddy."
"I'm not lying, Theseus." Madeleine says, looking at him. She quiet for a second before continuing,
"And you don't know me." She says, turning away from him again, "not anymore."
They continue walking and eventually find Leta. They group of Aurors leave the castle and return to the ministry.
Madeleine returns to her office, sitting down at her desk and picking up the closest file. She remembered the look on Theseus face when she'd told him he didn't know her anymore. It annoyed her what she said but it was true, he didn't. It had been over three years since they'd last seen each other and hadn't spoken since she left for Europe. Her work as a Dragonoligist had taken over most of her time as an Auror and he was head of the Auror office. Now he was engaged and she had returned home and he thought he knew her. What they'd had before was gone. And they had nothing now but an old friendship. There was nothing there.
With a sigh, Madeleine picks up some spare parchment and writes a quick letter to her sister. She slips it into an envelope and leaves the office, heading to the post office. She was going to Paris tomorrow. To move against Grindelwald. Maybe when she returned she could reunite with her sister again. See the family. It was something to do - a distraction.

So sorry it's been ages. School and been really busy but I'm determined with this story. Am going to try and post a chapter every week a long with a weekly edit for it on TikTok. Hope you're like it. <3


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